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After staring at Jungkook's beautiful picture he finally got himself together enough to write the note/poem

He chose a red post-it note, influenced by Jungkook's red coat

He grabbed the pen and wrote away

He usually bases these notes off of the picture Jungkook posts but sometimes he bases them off his own feelings

He wrote the poem and it was almost ti.e for his shift which started at 9:00pm/21:00

He got dressed in joggers and a t-shirt putting a nike jacket over

He then got in his car and drove to work


When he got there he signed in and grabbed his bucket of cleaning supplies, he started on the 1st floor and worked his way down the hall and up to the 2nd floor ( Jungkook's floor)

He started at the first office and cleaned the offices after that, he finally made it to Jungkook's office and opened the door

The note was in my pocket ready to be placed on the desk

He closed the door behind him and set his bucket of cleaning supplies down on the floor right in front of the desk

He first wiped down the desk and waited for it to dry, he then put the red note on the desk. He smiled at the previous notes he had written to kookie located on the left of Jungkook's desk

He then emptied the trash can in the big trash bag that was very close to being full

He then bent down to grab the duster and spray but of course with everything in the bucket he had to take everything out and then put it back

The door suddenly opened but the racket from the cleaning supplies distracted Taehyung too much to notice that the door had opened

Jungkook POV

I literally forgot my coat at my office

I am the dumbest person ever

I ran into the building and took the stairs, in too much of a hurry to wait for the slow, dumb elevator

I ran down the 2nd floor hallway apologizing to the staff who I had almost bumped into

I opened my office door to see someone but not their face, their butt

Their butt is nice it kind of looks like a guy

He's hot from behind, I want to see his face

He stands up after sometime and turns around

His eyes are wide open, he looks at me up and down and stares at me

He's cute, he's really cute

" Hi" I say nicely

" Hello" He says still looking suprised

I quickly walk over to my chair and grab my coat off of the seat

That's when I notice the red note left on my desk

" Was this already here before you came?" I say and look up at the guy in front of me

" Yeah, why?" He says furrowing his eyebrows

" Oh no reason" I say and read the note

Your smile is gorgeous baby
I want to make you smile
I want to make your eyes light up
I want to make you blush
I want to make you laugh
I want to make you mine
I want you
P.S Nope ;)

- Secret Admirer

Taehyung watched as Jungkook smiled, his lips becoming small around his big gorgeous smile, he watched as his eyes lit up and he heard him giggle just a little bit

He watched as he blushed when he first started reading perhaps at the first line

Taehyung made Jungkook do all the things he wanted to make him do, like blush, smile, laugh

He really wanted to touch Jungkook in anyway that he could possible

Taehyung was definitely in love with Jungkook and he knew it

Taehyung quickly looked away and turned around to go dust the glass before Jungkook could notice that he was staring at him

Jungkook sighed and pulled the sticky note up and put it next to the last sticky note

" You alright man?" Taehyung asked. It panged him to even call Jungkook man, all he wanted call him was baby

"I'm fine thank you for asking- Wait no I'm not, have you seen anyone walk into my office and then come out?" He asked with hope in his eyes

" No I'm sorry I haven't" Taehyung said back, turning around to look at the boy he loved. He saw the hurt in his eyes once he said that, it was good to know that the love of his life was actually looking for him

" It's okay" Jungkook said and pulled out a stack of post-its

He wrote down the number 20 ' maybe this guy was younger than him' he thought

He put the note right in the center of his desk

" You can move this if you need to" Jungkook gestured to the yellow bland post-it note

" It's okay I already cleaned your desk" Taehyung said

" Okay well bye" Jungkook said walking to the door

" Bye" Taehyung said back

Jungkook then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him

Taehyung wished that he could've stayed longer

But he was happy that Jungkook was looking for him, trying to figure out who he was

' Don't worry baby, you'll figure it out soon' Taehyung thought


Normal chapters after this sorry for them being so long, I thought they were going to be short but it didn't turn out that way. Love you guys❤


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