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Your smile makes my stomach hurt,
But hurt in a good way
My stomach drops whenever I see your face
Your smile is as beautiful as a sunset
Your face as soft as the softest pillow in the world
Your eyes, beautiful when they sparkle or light up
Your body more beautiful than any man's or women's body

- Secret Admirer

This post-it note made Jungkook smile widely

The post-it note's background was white making him think of the picture he had just posted yesterday, his shirt had been white, he was starting to think that his shirt influenced the background of these post-it notes

First he wore white the post-it was white then he wore blue the post-it was blue and then he wore white again and the post-it was white

But besides that he really wanted to know who this person was, specifically whether he was he a man or a women that was his first question

He then picked up his post-it note stack from out of his desk and ripped off one sticky note, putting the rest back into his drawer

' Are you a Male or a Female?' He wrote on the post-it note

He placed it in the center of his desk, putting the other on the corner of his desk

He then walked out of his office, shutting the door behind him

All day on set he thought of his 'Secret Admirer'

He thought of their gender, their age, hair color, face , personality

All types of things, he couldn't wait for tomorrow


Love you guys. Hope you enjoyed ❤


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