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(Taehyung's house) 👆

'He's so cute' He thought

He looked at his bunny smile, his hands, his glasses, his face, his coat, his shirt, his shirt and finally his lips

Taehyung loved all of the boy that was currently on his screen

He had been the first person to like the boys picture, he always was the first person to like his pictures

That always gave him more time to write these notes

Although he didn't really need the time, the notes always came naturally to him

The boy was so pretty to him

The way his smile formed when he was super happy

The way his eyes lit up when he was happy

The way he pouted when he didn't get something he wanted

Taehyung was now sure that he was whipped for the
petite boy

He remembers when he first found the boy a week and a half ago when he was scrolling through his feed he saw the boy

His eyes were glistening

He looked like a bunny with that wide smile plastered on his face


He also remembered looking at his neck, he remembered wanting to mark him so bad

he looked so innocent in that photo

He couldn't see much of the boy but the things he could see, he absolutely loved

He looked at the username below

"jeonjungkook" He read aloud

He tapped on it and a whole new instagram page opened up

He read the boys bio



Taehyung loved all of the things he found out about Jungkook

He loved that the boy was younger than him by 2 years

He loved that the boy was bisexual

He loved that the boy was an actor

He loved that he was a singer

He loved that he was a dancer

'I bet Jungkook would make a great strippe-'

'No I mustn't think these things, and he would only be able to strip for me only' Taehyung thought

Taehyung continued to stalk the youngster's Instagram to find out that the place Jungkook works at is the same place Taehyung works at

Taehyung only works nightshifts tho, he's the cleaner

But not a janitor, he only goes into the offices and cleans them like emptying any garbage cans, dusting alll the glasses on the shelves, cleaning off the desks

It honestly wasn't a bad job and It wasn't hard at all since he was basically a night owl and had no life whatsoever

Taehyung was wondering why he had never seen the boy before, he's seen most of the other actors at least once

'Maybe the boy just has short shifts?' I guessed

I quickly found out that Jungkook's real name was actually Jeongguk and that his favorite colors were red and black

I learned that Jungkook was a hip hop dancer and very skilled

I learned that Jungkook was an amazing singer and that he made covers

I also learned that Jungkook was the lead actor in the K-drama Bangtan Sonyeondan ( Bulletproof Boy Scouts in english) (sorry I couldn't think of anything else)

I learned that his co-worker was Namjoon a.k.a my friend also

I quickly learned that Jungkook worked out from the occasional workout posts he posted and from looking at his arms and his abs

Taehyung bit his lip at his arms and his abs, he wanted to lick every single body part of the boy

He wanted the boy

He wanted to do something for the boy

That's when he decided he would write notes for him and leave them on his desk

He decided he would do this when the time was right

*End Of Flashback*

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