1 "I picked geography because I suck at questioning my moral."

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Hi guys! My new story is finally online. I'd be thrilled if you gave it a shot. This story is gonna be light, cute and fun. Enjoy!


How much good-looking he might be, it didn't make up for his bored voice. Seriously, as a teacher, he was supposed to draw our attention to his class and not make it more frustrating than it was anyway. It seemed that he's sick of his job even though he looked like 25 and had just started teaching.

"I'm pleased to see some old faces. And the new ones ... Well, whether you like it or not, we are gonna spend the next two semesters together. I don't know why they re-mixed the classes."

Ew. He was even worse than Mr Rebel, my previous geography teacher. His real name wasn't Rebel. I just called him that because the left side of his head was hairless - contrary to the whole reflection of him, which was rather nerdy. I didn't like him much back then because the class already comprised too much testosterones. But at least he also taught English. Something substantial. Unlike Mr Ragger - my current geography teacher - P. E., which was so superficial!

Now he wanted us to introduce ourselves to our neighbour. C'mon, was he sure we were in senior year?

"Right, you wanna start?" asked the Korean boy next to me. I knew him. We were in the same geography and maths class last year. But I guessed that we were both pretending the opposite.

"My name is Ellen. I picked geography because I suck at questioning my moral."  My voice was beyond bored.

Korean boy raised the brow, discombobulated.

I rolled my eyes. "A.k.a. Philosophie. I suck at Philosophie. It's a apt subject for lunatics though."

The corner of his mouth twitched. He was trying to suppress a smile, averting his gaze to the board. Out of the three questions I deliberately skipped the second one.

"Something worth mentioning?"

Of course he did notice. Damn it!

"I like ... " hesitating, because my usual answer would be reading, "going for a walk." I finished.

" 'kay, my name is Inni,"

What? I knew his actual name, since we've been classmates for a year. It was something unpronounceable including the letters I, w and oh.

"I play Hockey. I chose geography because I find it interesting, and I will probably do my finals in it."

I nodded. We fell in a weird silence, whereas around us vivid conversations continued. I could be talkative, if I wished, but right now I just wanted to get out of this class as soon as possible. Geography and philosophy were the only subjects I sucked at. That was the reason why I detested them both. The tiny difference was that in Geography I could barely keep my eyes open whereas philosophy put me to sleep straight. Although certain grades were irrelevant for my A-level, I couldn't bear the thought of a failure.

"So, what're your A-levels?" He broke the ice. Damn, I enjoyed the equilibrium.

"Biology and Latin."

I didn't need to ask him back because I knew he had art and politics. I had always been attentive.

He didn't bother to make further conversation since I was ignoring him.

When I thought the small talk was bad, then the worst followed only in the end. Mr Ragger wanted us to reiterate the things we heard from our neighbour in front of the whole class.

Oh no. What did he say again?

At least we didn't have to go to the front. I wasn't shy in general but amid strangers, especially a whole bunch of guys brimming with testosterones, I indeed felt unprepared.

Inni and I sat in the first row and it was therefore our turn quickly. Heat and Chill ran over my face at the same time as he repeated everything I said. Literally. I thought I might faint. If looks were able to kill he would be dead now.

I heard laughters from every corner. I seethed.

Chapter 2 is coming tomorrow! Please leave a vote or comment if you like the first chapter. Thanks a million!

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