Chapter 2

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'Hi, my name is Christopher Bang but call me Chan, nice to meet you.'

'Uhh, Hi Chan.' I said and I felt my cheeks heat up. Am I blushing? Chan must've noticed it because he slightly smiled and shook his head. 'Hi' Euhna said shy as Chan said his hello back. We sat down at the small two-person-couch on the other side of his desk. 'So, I understand you both are in a difficult time with your relationship, could you please tell me more.' Chan asked as he sat down with one leg over the other with his hands on his knee. 'Well, lately I find Euhna spending the money I earn from work on clothes. Which upsets me, I don't mind sometimes but it happens a lot.' I saw Eunha rolling her eyes at it. 'it's not all the time.' she said. 'really? You must be kidding me?! At least once every week.' she shook her head quickly 'That's not true!' I sighed in annoyance. 'I could show my bank Saldo and you'll be busted you know?' Eunha looked down. 'Okay, so how does this work? arguing like five-year-olds?' Chan's voice sounded serious and Eunha and I both shook our heads. 'Have you ever talked about a solution?' he frowned. 'No, we don't get to that point. Last time she slapped me in the face.' Eunha's eyes widened 'That's N-not true!' she started crying. 'I am so done with you Eunha.' Chan quickly decided to interfere. 'Minho that's not how you solve it, Euhna, you seem to be upset by his confession, why?' Chan and I both looked at Eunha 'W-well Minnie is lying, I never slapped him. I love him too much. He always claims those things even to his friend Jisung...' It was quiet for a while. 'Okay, so for today, I just want you both to calm down maybe both just do something for yourself. It's been heavy enough.' We all stood up and we were about to walk out 'wait, Minho could I speak with you for a second?' Chan suddenly asked as he walked towards us. 'Sure, Eunha could you wait in the car?' I asked her while giving her my car keys. She just rolled her eyes and left. Chan closed the door 'Minho, after our conversation, you seemed a bit off. Is it bothering you so much? Eunha didn't seem to be that upset except the fake crying.' he sighed 'How did you know?' I asked him furrowing my eyebrows 'They don't call me best in the business for nothing you know...' he smirked 'You have a point, but I've read a few reviews and it said that you've never been in a relationship yourself.' Chan shrugged his shoulders 'I don't think you need to be in a relationship to give advice. I mean a neutral opinion is usually the best.' I hummed in agreement. 'but back to the topic at hand. Do you want to tell me?' I looked down at my feet 'It's okay Minho, you don't have to feel insecure or scared I won't judge, I promise.' His sweet smile and loving eyes were enough for me...

'I uh, well lately I feel like Eunha and I are just drifting more away from each other every day. But we've been together for so long... But there is barely any love left.' Chan nodded 'Can I ask you a question? This may be a bit personal but, have you had any sexual intercourse over the past few weeks?' I was caught a bit off guard when he asked that 'well, uhh I- we didn't. I didn't want to either, just not the need to I guess...' Chan mumbled an 'oh' and looked at me again more serious 'why did you ask?' I secretly looked at his white blouse that didn't have the upper buttons buttoned showing a bit of his white chest. Also, I noticed he has very broad shoulders. 'Well, studies show that having sexual intercourse is healthy for your relationship. Of course, they mean in moderation.' I chuckled at that last part. 'Minho, I thought it is a good idea to set up a solo session. I think it's good to first talk with you and then Eunha.' I smiled 'Sure,' I got a smile back 'I'll send you the info when I'm free.' Chan said and we bid our goodbyes.

I stepped outside going to my car when I noticed it was gone. 'DAMN IT EUNHA.' I shouted in annoyance 'Language!' A random boy with coloured blond hairs, who seemed to be older than me said 'Sorry hyung,' I bowed 'Don't worry, call me Woojin!' he smiled at me.

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