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Luke's eyes rolled open slowly as his alarm blared and his head rung with noise. He'd survived the night. Carefully he smacked his alarm until it shut off before rolling over to notice the covers wrapped over him softly, he never woke up still covered like that. Sitting up confused he noticed the empty spot beside himself as he sat in just some shorts and a tank top, his head was banging, what had happened yesterday? Sighing he threw the covers off of himself and prepared to stand when he heard the crunching of paper behind him. Turning towards it he saw a sheet of paper on the other side of the bed. Huffing out his confusion he pulled the paper towards himself before reading it with a yawn.

"Sorry I had to leave early. I really wanted to stay but they called me and told me I had to return. I had a lot of fun yesterday and last night, so thank you for that. I also had a wonderful nights sleep too. I will be back but now just go about your day like nothing has happened. -Dante." Luke placed the note down softly as he sighed and looked around the room, what exactly had they done last night?

"Wait..." Luke mumbled out as he stared at the space beside himself, had Dante stayed with him in his bed? Luke's face flushed red as he groaned and covered his eyes with his hands.

"God dammit." Luke groaned as he stood up and pulled off his clothes angrily, running his hand through his hair with a growl. He felt useless and pointless, he couldn't help Dante at all. Luke gripped his phone in anger as he stepped out of his room wearing a suit and a tie, completely ready for work since he couldn't miss another day. Softly washing his face he stared at himself angrily in the mirror of the bathroom, contemplating the amazing night's sleep he had but also his inability to forget about Dante. He was still trying to understand what exactly they had explained, the idea that Dante was two people, two different sides. His innocent side and his murderous side, but which was the original? Luke shook his head and stepped out of the bathroom as he grabbed his coat and keys before stepping out of his apartment and walking towards the stairwell. He would have to think and focus more when he got to work.

Dante was wearing casual clothes as he sat atop a building, his legs hanging dangerously over the edge, his more evil side now in control.

"I do not understand what you see in this one." He said aloud in a deeper voice as Dante's more innocent side replied softly in the back of his own mind.

'He wants to help us, please just do not hurt him.' He replied as Dante scoffed and stood up on the edge of the building, pulling out some binoculars as he glanced down at the city below him.

"I already said I would give you a week, calm down." Dante argued with himself as he glared at the streets, his eyes following Luke as he left his car and walked into the offices where he worked.

'I will get him to help us.' Dante's consciousness spoke out as the boy laughed and moved his focus towards others walking down the street.

"He better, I can not pick up your slack forever." He mumbled back as his eyes caught a rugged looking man skulking down the street with his hands in his pockets and his face covered by his hood. "Now shut up. I have hunting to do." Dante laughed as he blocked out his rational and emotional side, putting away his binoculars as he jumped across the rooftops of buildings in an intense pursuit of a new victim. Dante pulled his hood over his head as he kicked off walls and slid down into an alleyway before glancing around the streets. The man he had seen before glanced around sceptically before stepping inside a small apartment of buildings and disappearing behind a door. Looking around the street he noticed that cameras were scarce and that the doorway was in a blind spot. Dante smiled and pulled off his hood as he acted innocent, the knife in his pocket rubbing against his leg as he happily slid into the same building, right behind the man. Carefully he looked around the hallway he had entered, watching as his quiet surroundings became analysed. Footsteps could be heard in the room to his right so without hesitation Dante pulled black leather gloves out of his pocket and slid them over his hands before tapping on the door softly. The footsteps became quiet and hushed as people spoke within the room, Dante smiled knowing he could only increase his kill count. Plunging his hands into his pockets after lifting his hood he waited patiently at the door.

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