Chapter 56 Shadows of the past

Start from the beginning

Iason answered her smile. "I thought you were the lady Vara's maid."

"And warned me against picking flowers," Vara grinned.

Iason brushed away a strand of her hair. "I'm glad I spoke to you that day."

"So am I," Vara replied. Who knew what would have happened if Iason hadn't damaged his knee that time? Would she be married to Felix? She looked up when a flower appeared in her line of vision. Iason held a tiger lily and smiled at her lovingly. "My lady."

Vara smiled at him. "Good sir." She curtsied as she accepted the flower. "I wonder what the lady Vara would say if she knew you stole her flowers."

Iason shook his head amused. "I don't think she would begrudge me one flower if I told her it was for my love."

Vara laughed. "Well, I suppose she would forgive you just this once."

"She will," Iason said with conviction, "she has a soft spot for me, you know."

Vara raised an eyebrow and watched him amused. "Is that so?"

"Most definitely," Iason nodded.

Vara laughed. "I happen to know she shares that opinion." She locked her arms around his neck. "Thank you, for being at my side."

His arms wound around her back. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."


Mikos walked into the large study hall where his father was hunched over maps and charts. Lord Izem sighed at his son's approach. "Not now, Mikos, I am busy reorganizing the troops."

"I know that, father," Mikos replied, "I was only wondering why you did not call me. As your heir, should I not have knowledge of our soldiers?"

Izem scoffed. "That would be true, if you would have proven to be up to the task, but riding off like a rebellious child while I am away does not show much responsibility."

Mikos stiffened and wondered who of the servants had told him. Or perhaps he had been naive to think the men would respect his wishes. After all, his father was still lord of the manor. Withholding things from their lord would have severe consequences. "Then teach me," he said stiffly, "let me make decisions. Most heirs are taught how to run the family affairs from an early age, but I'm not allowed to even do the simplest tasks without your supervision. Let me handle things, let me make mistakes. But let me make them while you are still alive to correct them. I will need to ride out and inspect the troops and estate at some point. Why not now? Send as many guards with me as you seem fit, but let me do something!"

Lord Izem narrowed his eyes at his son. "You want responsibilities? Very well. King Marcos of Zeir will send men to Lavos to strengthen king Elon's borders. They will be passing through Salvire. You will ride ahead to meet them and arrange for an escort to the border with Lavos. Send a bird to Boncini to consult with them and form a report for king Darius. Let's see how well you do."

Mikos blinked stunned. His father was truly giving in to him? "You... you're letting me ride out?"

"Backing out already boy?!" Izem snarled, "is it too much to handle?"

Mikos straightened his back. "I will do as you have asked."

"Of course you will!" Izem barked, "you are my son! You will obey me! Go now! Out of my sight! And never disrespect me again!"

Mikos' eyes steeled over and he made a stiff bow. He should have known not to expect anything from his father. It had been this way his entire life. No matter what he did, it would never be good enough in his father's eyes. He was either too rebellious or to docile, too smart or too ignorant. Perhaps his brother had the better end of the del. Even as a servant he had more freedom than the heir of Salvire. One day, Mikos promised himself, one day he would break free of these chains and carve out his own path.

He could hardly wait.


Ariane watched closely from across the room as Cyrus and Vara were engaged in conversation over a game of lantruculi. All night she had stolen glances at the two during dinner. She couldn't help it. Even after all this time, Vara staying at Auros made her feel insecure. She had promised her husband not to bring it up again, but she still kept searching for signs that something was going on between them. Signs that he still loved her.

It was true that Cyrus had started to spend more time with her, mostly to see his son and watch over the boy's education. Slowly they had grown accustomed to each other. He was more open with her where he used to try and avoid her as much as possible. Still, it was not love. But it was better than nothing. She cherished those moments and wished they would last.
But every time she believed they had finally made progress, Vara appeared again and Ariane found herself falling back into her old behavior.

She frowned and bit her lip when Vara's musical laugh rang out in answer to something Cyrus had said. There was a boyish smile on his face that only seemed to show in Vara's presence. Ariane envied the fact that Vara could draw it out.

"You seem troubled, my lady."

Ariane looked up to find Iason standing next to her. He was watching her calmly, a serious look in his eyes. He had grown more comfortable in his role as lord of Boncini, but he had never lost that calm, observant manner he'd had as a guard.

Ariane sighed sadly as she looked back at Vara and Cyrus, who had resumed their game. "Does it not bother you?" she asked quietly. If anyone understood how she felt, it would be Iason.

He followed her gaze and let it rest on Vara and the prince. He thought a moment, selecting his words with care. "It used to trouble me. Not their feelings, but the pain they caused. I have seen what it has cost her to place duty over want. I can only imagine what it must have been like for the prince." He paused a moment, sadness crossing his face a moment. "Others have been hurt in the process too, as I am sure you know well. Still... I do not doubt my wife."

Ariane bit her lip and fought back tears. "I wish I had your confidence."

Iason shook his head sadly. "It was not always that way. I admit, I have had doubts. But never of her sincerity. My lady, we cannot deny the bond they share, for it has been forged from childhood, long before we had come to court. They will always love each other, but there are many gradations of love and one does not rule out the other. All love needs to grow. We only need to learn to be patient."

Ariane's lip trembled. "You are so sure. I envy you."

Iason smiled sadly. "Time and distance will contribute, my lady. Things have already changed. If you look closely, I am sure you will see."

Ariane sighed. "It still feels like I am competing though."

Iason's expression became more serious now. "There is only competition if you make it so, my lady. Sometimes we merely need to adjust our perspective." The words might seem harsh. He knew she was hurting, but he was tired of Vara always being blamed. Even Cyrus shouldn't be blamed, though he was reluctant to admit it. "You should count your blessings, my lady, for you have one that we do not." He hadn't missed the longing look Vara had given Lucius. No matter how long they had been trying, he and Vara had not been granted a child yet.

Ariane studied him carefully a moment before averting her eyes. She suddenly felt guilty. Indeed, she had been blessed. Perhaps that was enough. Perhaps she should not expect more.

She looked back at Vara and Cyrus. Iason was right. Those two would always be close. There was not much she could do about that. She had a good life. And though she would probably always feel that pang of jealousy whenever Vara was around, she would learn to bear it.

In time.

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