Chapter 19

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''Ramadan is time to empty our stomach, to feed our soul ♥'' -Anon

Arij's POV:

I opened my eyes to find many worried faces around me.

''Bntii, are you awake??!!'' My father said grabbing my hands

I nodded realizing I was in a hospital room.. 

''Baba'' I said smiling

''She remembers!! What about her??'' My father said talking about Sarah

''Sarah habibty'' I managed to say weakly

''Oh my Allah, thank you for saving her... LHAMDULILLAH'' She said sobbing

''Lhamdulillah that you returned back safely, now everything is over'' Hisham added

I smiled weakly looking at baba who had tears in his eyes.

He kissed me on the forehead and I kissed his hands forgetting about all the doubts I had in the past... I was sure I'd find explanations for them inshaAllah

If I were to trust somebody, it will definitely be my father, my hero.

Suddenly the doctor walked in: "Mrs, we have something to tell you"

"What is it about?" My father asked standing up

The doctor kept silent then I told him: "They are family, just say it please"

"Well, I'm not sure if you know about it mrs.. But you're pregnant, congrats! It's been five weeks" The doctor said

Everyone started shouting and screaming and repeating: "ALLAHOU AKBAR"

But it looked like I was alone in an imaginary world.. for a moment everyone disappeared and I became alone with my baby

Then after some seconds I put my hand on my belly, exploding into tears

Hearing about the news for the second time, made it real for me.. Yes, I was pregnant.

Baba and Hisham went outside to bring me some food as baba kept asking me what I desired to eat.. -Yeah I was pregnant hehe- I really didn't have anything in mind, but I didn't want to break my father's excitement.

So I stayed alone with Sarah in the room

After I calmed down a little bit she asked me holding my hands

"Arij.. Are you okay?"

"Do you wanna share some of your thoughts with me?" She added

"You're my soulmate, you already know them" I told her letting some tears fall down

She smiled widely

"Yassir... I don't know what will happen to him" I said starting my crying crisis again

"He'll be okay inshaAllah"

"How would he come back? They have no way.. and if it's the case, he'll forget about everything Sarah, he'll forget about me, about our sad moments, about our happy moments.."

Then I stopped before continuing: "He'll forget about our baby"

Sarah wiped the tears away and she hugged me silently


"Baba, how is mama? Is she showing any developments?" I asked worried

"Yes lhamdulillah" He shortly said

"I'm sorry for hiding it from you.. She has just started showing good results, it was not the case in the past so I didn't want to give you any false hope.. We even don't know if she'll make it, may Allah do the best for her" He added feeling regretful

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