Chapter 13

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  ''In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years''. Abraham Lincoln

Author's note: To not mix everything up, I will carry on calling Yassir and Rayan by their new names and not what they used to be called.

Arij's POV:

How can I be so slow-witted?

It was him.. for all this time, it was him.. 

He was by my side but why couldn't I recognise him?

Yassir was my cousin.. he was my husband.. Oh my Allah, I can't get any more shocking news, I've had enough..

I entered the house looking in his room for the note he left.

''Here it is!'' I sighed finding the note under the bed.

''If you're reading this, then you found out that I'm Rayan, your cousin, and that maybe I can't be here to explain for you... I know you have plenty of questions in your mind right now... So.. from where should I start?

I'm sorry for disappearing for all these years, many things changed.. My parents passed away, and your mother also.. I lost my leg and everything else inside of me.. I'm not the same Rayan you used to know, I became the worst version of myself..

Does it happen to you that you dislike yourself sometimes? Then for me it has been everytime.. Lhamdulillah for everything, indeed, but I feel like I couldn't do anything, I couldn't save your mother who was dying.. I know it's the qadr(destiny) that chose this to happen, but I also didn't do my best.. Your mother passed away in front of my eyes and I just couldn't save her.. How can I face you when I can't even face myself? 

Even if we were so young back then, but I promised myself to make you happy, but how can I do? Little bit of blood scares me to death, How can I save you if something happens to you? And what about having only one leg... This is not the husband you dreamed of having.

I'm sorry for being so rude with you here in Orandia, I did it so that the president doesn't find out you're my cousin, I didn't want him to hurt you .. 

Well, I'm sorry.''

   - - - - - -     

 Many tears welled from deep inside and coursed down my cheeks..

I put my hands on my face letting out my breath in a long sigh..

''He didn't know my mother was still alive..'' I told myself

 - - - - - -    

Flashback: (What happened 13 years ago)

Samira's POV: (Arij's POV)

''The previous president has been exiled, you heard about it right?'' I asked my sister

''Yes.. I hope he repents there'' Yassir's mother said

''Ah, what about his child Omar(Omar is Ziad's name before he changed it) '' She added  

''That's what I'm worried about.. I think I will have to go there and bring him all the way here'' I said

''So what do you have in mind?''

''I just wanted to ask you before doing what I'm going to do since you know better.. How did you feel when mother adopted you the halal way? Have you ever regretted being adopted and becoming a member of our family?''

Yassir's mother smiled widely before saying: ''I think being a part of this family is my life's biggest gift.. I can't believe not being your sister, we grew up in the most beautiful way, I'm still praying for mother thanking her for what she did.... Why? Do you think of adopting Omar?''

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