Chapter 5

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'' You don't choose your family, they are God's gift to you, as you are to them'' -Desmond Tutu

Arij's POV:

I kept fixing the scene in front of me like a fool.. Rayan was having dinner with Sahar in a luxurious restaurant. They were looking at each other with a different way, they seemed to love each other a lot.

What caught my attention is that Rayan was removing the tomatoes' seeds from his salad.

It was definitely him.

I stopped looking at the scene and I returned back to the car full of mixed emotions.

" Stop there " Yassir said.

I stopped keeping my back at him.

" How was it? Being slapped by reality?" He asked

I rose my eyes looking at him, then I drove him back home quietly.

*  *  *  *  *

"Why are you so silent? Is this how you react to bad news? I thought you'd go and make a fuss over there" He told me while I was washing the dishes.

"You know nothing about me.. so please let us live our lives separately and not care about each other"

" Do you really think I care about you?" He asked before he sat on the sofa.

I kept quiet.

" I want some fresh onions, make sure to peel a lot for me and cut it into little pieces" He said then he closed his eyes taking a nap.

Onions? Is he going to eat them fresh, just without anything else? I didn't really want to ask.

I was really bad with cutting onions, I couldn't help but cry..

I thought about everything going on in my life and I couldn't stop crying a river silently, it was a great opportunity to comfort myself though.

I am not really someone who cries a lot but when I do it, it's always because I have been hiding lot of sorrow inside of me.

Suddenly Azad entered the house calling "Yassir" loudly. She had his house's keys obviously.

I wiped my tears smiling to her face.

" Oh Azad, you're here" He said waking up.

" Arij are you crying? Your eyes are red" She told me worried

I laughed and I showed her the onions as an answer.

" Add some cucumbers and tomatoes to the onions " Yassir told me.

" From when do you like onions?" Azad asked Yassir curiously

" It's good for health, so why not?" Yassir said

" And how can you make her cook for you? She must be dying to eat those.." Azad told him quietly.

She stood up sighing and she took the knife from me.

" I will do it, so just do something else" She said smiling at me

She is so sweet.

I kept fixing how well she was using the knife.

" Oh, why are you removing the tomatoes' seeds? " I asked

" Yassir doesn't like them, it's the same for me" She said smiling.

So everyone can also dislike them?

" It's the same for me, but I wish I could eat them now, it's better than the food I eat anyway" I said smiling.

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