Chapter 11

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''A father is someone you look up to, no matter how tall you grow'' Unknown

Arij's father POV:

''My daughter!!'' I said taking her in my arms

She lost consciousness, the poor..

I held her tight letting numerous tears fall on my face, looking at my little treasure..

''I'm sorry I couldn't be with you in your hardest times.. I'm sorry for becoming a father who can't even hug his daughter only when she's conscious''

''Doctor, it will be better to change your wife's room, and to let Arij have some rest'' Ziad told me 

I wiped my tears and I stood up to do as he said

''Doctor! Your wife moved her finger'' Ziad told me

I ran fast grabbing her hand and saying: ''Our daughter is here, Arij is here, did you feel her presence?? So come to us fast... why are you taking that much time?'' 

I took my wife to another room and I put Arij on a bed.

''Do you think I did what I had to do?'' I asked Ziad 

''Yes, and even more..''

''It's the second time she's moving a part of her body after 13 years.. I hope she will wake up soon''

''Your efforts will pay off" Ziad told me

I put my hand on his shoulder: ''Thank you for everything'' 

''Arij is likely to forget what happened, so it will be better that I go before she wakes up'' I added

''Ah.. and put more of your perfume in the room.. I guess that's why she followed me out here, she smelled mine''

''Okay! And it would be better that you change yours, Doctor'' 

''Ah and Ziad.. I heard you helped my daughter to go outside Orandia.. Thank you but I hope you'd never do such a thing, let her out of this chaos''

''Isn't it enough unfair for her that she doesn't know that her mother is still alive? Let her please participate in discovering who ruined her family.. she's a lawyer after all'' Ziad told me

I was afraid.

*  *  *  *  *

Arij's POV:

I woke up to find myself in an unexpected place.

Why am I in Ziad's house? And where is he?

''Oh you woke up'' A female scientist told me.

I nodded

''Ziad told me to take care of you until you wake up, are you feeling well?''

''Yes, where is he?''

''Here I am'' He came smiling

''Why am I here?'' I asked him

''That's my question.. Did you come here after you heard I returned back?''

''Yes I did but that's weird.. Why was I sleeping here?''

''You lost consciousnes.. Did you hear something before coming here?'' He asked me

I remembered my meeting with the president then I kept quiet.

I searched in my bag to find the blood pack there, I sighed.

''What happened?'' Ziad asked

''Anyway.. Welcome back.. and I found what you told me to look for when I was outside Orandia''

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