Chapter 4

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"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at." —Stephen Hawking

Arij's POV:

 '' What were you doing? '' He asked me coming closer to the car.

I looked at him shaking.

I didn't know what to say, I couldn't lie but I also couldn't say the truth.

'' Yassir, you forgot your jacket'' The beautiful lady came telling him.

He took it from her smiling and we returned back home, he didn't ask about it, thanks God.

Beautiful lady, you were meaningful once.

*  *  *  *  *

'' Good morning'' I said entering the house

'' Can you cook?'' Yassir asked me

'' Not sure if I'm that good, but I do'' 

He kept looking at me, then he just shook his head.

'' Take me somewhere in lunch time, clean the stairs for now'' 

- - - - - - 

'' This is my restaurant, prepare yourself, you're serving meals'' He told me.

'' In front of people? A black serving food... do you think it's an easy task?'' I asked.

'' Do you think I give you easy tasks?'' He said coldly coming closer to me.

I stopped breathing at the moment then I just did as he asked... Sarah was going to save me after all right?

'' Can't you clean the dishes fast? You have to serve some meals, people are hungry'' A worker there told me.

'' Don't you see I'm doing my best?'' 

'' Heeey, I see you're being arrogant..Do you think Mr Yassir brought you here to increase your points? Hah.. he just wants you to see as much delicious meals as you can, so that you suffer, you can't eat those anyway right?'' 

I left avoiding to cause a noise over there.


''YES" I replied.

It was the hardest two months in my life, I was a multi task person.

I served some meals in a table where only some men and Yassir were sitting, I was ashamed to the way they were looking at me..

I knew the work was not appropriate for a girl like me, but I couldn't refuse anyway, I still wanted to live.

Death penalties were real, many Orandia citizens go to watch it in public.. how can they be so heartless.

'' Ooooh you got a beautiful one'' They say winking at Yassir.

" Maan, you're talking with Yassir, he doesn't care about anyone unless it's Azad'' 

So her name was Azad, such a beautiful and rare name I told myself.

'' But oh my God, how can a Black be that beautiful.. she could even look prettier without the thing in her head'' One of them said.

I was angry, but I continued putting glasses of water on the table lowering my gaze.

'' Heey, look at us, why are you so distant, you should be more social, we can help you with the points''

'' What about sitting with us here? You're the second woman who caught my eye after Azad.. but of course she's not ours'' They said laughing out loud.

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