Interlude (1)

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(Dista's POV)

"And with that, Dista dear, we shall pause for now."

"Huh... wait, but we haven't gotten to the ceremony part yet! Why end the tale now?!" I complain.

"My, my. Such poor behavior," Mom chides, shaking her head. "We have a gala dinner to attend in a few hours' time, or have you forgotten? For now you may go, and make sure not to ruin your clothes again, alright?"

"Gracious... At least tell me of the ceremony, Mom--please!"

"Dista, this is the second time you have pleaded in this manner." Mom's tone is different now. "I too have things to attend to, and I believe you have been entertained for so long. Besides, I did keep my promise--"

"The ceremony~~!!" I pout, joining my balled fists in front. So what if I sound and seem childish? I am a child, and a royal one at that. Normally I'd have to see to a set of intricate manners, but this is family; I can and will let Dista be Dista.

Mom sighs deeply at such tantrum. "I tell you this, you'd not disgrace yourself at dinner?"


"Very well. The oath-taking ceremony, as you may imagine, is just that: people lining up, taking turns at proclaiming loyalty and willingness to adhere to the strictures of The Straight Path; enjoin good and prevent evil; and of course, live in compliance with our House's codes and rules. Main point: your great-grandfather was appointed Balaras' custodian. Happy now?"

Not as detailed as I'd hoped...

"Gee, I really thought it was going to be a bit more thrilling... but thank you, Mom! I'll be going now, then."

"Mind your clothes, okay?"

"Yeah!" I call back, and proceed to head to the training yard with lighter steps. Would be fun to observe the soldiers training...

"Well! If it isn't our first prince's persuasive son."

I halt. Someone is already waiting for me, apparently. This one is also a kid of my age, with fair hair and skin and sharp green eyes. He is leaning on the wall immediately beside the door to the dressing room while keeping his arms crossed.

Meet my cousin, Ishtar Husniris, here on a family visit.


"W-when did you get here..?" I stammer.

"Never mind that." He resumes his erect stance with a nasty smirk. "Missed Grandmom's tender hug, did you not? Poor thing."

"You saw?!"

Ishtar clicks his tongue, now putting his hands behind the head. "Why that face? Might want to improve on your tracking skills next instead of just running around like some lost chick, that you did..."

I pout. "It's called 'exploring'!"

"It's called 'meandering', and princes ought not do that too often. We are models to many, surely your lady mother told you that much. So, Cousin, where will you be going now?"

"The training yard, see those guys in practice; then get some lunch and after that, a nap. You?"

"How boring. I'd rather look into the tale of my great-granddad; feel like I didn't get enough of it last time."

"O-oh, you see... I wanted that too."

My cousin purses his lip. "Seriously, Dista, learn to make up your mind already. Not everything can be finished by guesswork, you know."

The Lone Call, vol. 1 [under revision]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora