(S1) Move 2: Sea Falcons

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Following the afternoon prayers, and because he wanted to get a fresh look on things, Urdin decided to pay a visit to the Balarian shipyards

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Following the afternoon prayers, and because he wanted to get a fresh look on things, Urdin decided to pay a visit to the Balarian shipyards.

That place, he felt, had caused considerable casualties among the nascent Hospodian Navy--and therefore, damage to the crew's morale--by preventing the defending Balarian lines from being outflanked, even at the cost of their ships. That, and because the general wanted to reaffirm that a female captain had been captured alive.

Given there already was a female officer in Urdin's own service, it was little surprise that now he wanted to meet and greet this new figure.

As the general approached the dockyard, several men at work looked up. Some stopped whatever they were doing, some others stood, two saluted, and one took the trouble to approach the newcomer.

"General, sir," he said following a salute.

"How fare the prisoners?"

"Decently enough, sir. Would you honor them by an inspection? I'd happily take you there."

"Lead on, then."

They went past mighty three-masted ships that bobbed and swayed to and fro--tied together by thick ropes--and on to the harbormaster's office, where it had been decided to house the naval prisoners. All in all, thirty captains were kept in there, awaiting the pronouncement of their verdicts; such was the intensity on the naval front.

As Urdin entered, he found them seated forming small circles between themselves. At his approach, said captains who could see him immediately stood, and those who could not, turned and stood with the rest.

"Salutations, comrades. How do you fare today?"

"General, your reputation precedes you," said one. "Long have I heard tales of your prowess in scores of land-based raids, little did I expect you to have any acquaintance with us men of the waves."

Urdin smiled. "I don't speak with nameless individuals, to begin with, Captain."

"Begging pardons, sir. Name's Idris, onetime captain of the Eastern Gale."

"Now's as good time as any to get myself acquainted, wouldn't you say?" Ingi's brother then paused to look around. "The seas are not without mysteries, it is often said, and some of our kind prowl them in part to learn of such wisdom. I wonder, how much of this would you be willing to share with me now, Captain Idris?"

"Your next question, sir, shall determine it."

"Quit bantering, will you," another voice rose. "You're here for me, ain't you, Hospodian?"

Things went quiet for several seconds as the crowd parted, revealing a lady captain standing haughtily with both hands on the hips

"My, that's quite the pose, good lady," the visitor remarked.

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