(S1) Move 5: Lion's Den

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"Well now, Sir Moryster," Senna remarked after half an hour of discussion, "I'm afraid there's not much else that I might do for you. You may carry the letter of reference, and I wish you every success in such an auspicious aspiration. Meantime," she added while leaving the table, "I am but an army officer, with assignments to see to. Peace be upon you."

"And to you, dear Ra-- Senna. It's been quite a delight; I dislike using big words."

"Oh?" the female major turned to regard him again with a smirk. "A delight, was it? See if you'd still have the guts to say so following a meeting with the recipient of that letter."

"Urdin," Moryster read the name. "Who is this again?"

"That name is fairly familiar around town, so I can't imagine you'll have too rough a time in finding someone who answers to it. I'll be taking my leave now, if you please."

"Ah, sure..."

He didn't take his gaze off Senna's back until she got out of the front door, such was the captivation.

"Now then, better get ready with my own stuff. For this Urdin guy to earn the recommendation of such a sharp-witted lady as Senna, he must be quite the somebody."


"Let's just say that much has been heard of this Sir Urdin even before he sets foot in our dear city, dear sir," the aging Qulsum admitted upon inquiry that same evening, just as Morys was settling his bill for the four-day stay, "aside from the plain fact that he's in active service of the growing Hospodian Army. It is often said that he has little tolerance for empty talks, and that he himself could be very demanding."

"More so than Senna?" Moryster put in.

His hostess chuckled, one hand covering her veiled mouth.

"My dear daughter told me that you were speechless on several occasions during the talk with Senna; 'enraptured' was the word she'd picked," Qulsum gushed. "Why, with Urdin you might find yourself groveling, and that's not saying much."

Moryster frowned. "I was hoping for you not to exaggerate about someone you scarcely meet at all, ma'am."

"Oho! If such is the case, young man, you are very welcome to prove an old lady's words. Do exercise caution, while we're at it."

"Indeed, this is what I plan to do first thing tomorrow, insha Allah. Thank you again so much for the kindly service rendered during my time here."

"I hope we'll see each other again sooner, sir."


The following day.

Fortunately for all parties, Urdin's workload for that particular day happened to be spare enough to allow for Moryster's quick reception--about ten minutes since he was ushered into the anteroom. The general received Morys seated, and did not bother to rise as the visitor entered his study.

"Welcome, Sir Morys of the Sea Falcons, to Hospodian domains," Urdin began. "Be seated, please."

The Sea Falcon did, with a slight hint of displeasure.

"While I thank you for the courteous welcome, Sir Urdin, I cannot help but remark that something is amiss here," he said at length.

"Kindly inform me, then, which protocol might have been overlooked?"

The Lone Call, vol. 1 [under revision]Where stories live. Discover now