(S1) Move 12: Distant Call

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While all those directives, searches and questions were going on with their respective paces, Lord Hospodia for his part had not been idle. He had been apprised that his earlier advice to take on Yasnar as the man in charge of future negotiations for an alliance with the Estreans, was being seen to. He had attended to many other aspects of the city in the meantime, such as coinage, education (of which Urdin was one of its most ardent supporters), the state of defense, and the posting of fire brigades on several strategic points.

Presently he was in his own study, folding up a letter he had just read.

It was from his young son, Idris, apprising the father of the happenings back in House Hospodia's capital city of Arenda with all the dignity an eight-year-old could muster. Some lines of the letter was with little doubt composed with the help of his lady mother.

Near its end, and with considerable alacrity, Idris mentioned how he had begun to dab on the 'art of the wings', and how he has thinning patience for the day of Lord Hospodia's safe return, that the latter can see it for himself.

Urdin too was adorably referred as the "Eagle which soars to the horizon", and that the younger prince was "so very eager to learn from him a whirl or two."

Lord Hospodia exhaled, laid back in his seat, and was soon in a reflective mood.

"To think that ceremony's due in one day's time! One of the climaxes in a city's fath..."

Ingeras, for one, was quite convinced it was going to be an engaging affair; something even his father had not had the chance to experience beyond his own home base. The previous amir had, however, given hints as to how it ought to be handled; and this during a rare father-son moment. Neither Urdin nor even their lady mother Mirena had been part of it.


'Empires and rulers in this world rise and fall,' Husnir had said, "and our House had risen in place of the mighty Second Kalifate. In their hands had been an empire few others had matched, in terms of territory and longevity. People of three continents had experienced their rule; fair and just where possible, firm and protective where necessary....'

'But, my amir,' the younger Ingeras had put in, ' if their values are so decent, how could they have lost ground?'

'The values are decent,' came the reply, 'but the rulers to apply and oversee them, let's be honest, are not always so. In time a ruler with a knack for going over the limits rose, and austere implementation of said values thus deteriorated. Depending on whether there shall be a reformer figure at the head, this slide shall persist. That, dear Ingi, is how empires work at their highest level; for the lower ones, you may have to discover them yourself.'

'If such is the case, Father, why are there empires in the first place? What task are rulers supposed to perform?"

Hospodia's first amir, at that question, had risen from his grand seat and approached the prince, who had lowered his gaze for fear of having spoken out of turn.

'Entertain me.'

'Well... in my humble opinion, it is to ensure that the people have their rights; to enjoin good and prevent evil in the widest scope possible, as had been vividly laid down in our belief.'

'There you go.' The amir had walked past him. 'So you have sworn as well, in this very place, with Urdin by your side. Preserve it.'

'Father, if I may... about Urdi's apparent roughness, I--'

'Yes, he is rough in appearance,' Husnir conceded, 'but what else would you expect from someone who is constantly partaking in raids? He's got individuals afield who answer to him now, for good or ill, and many rules must be upheld. How else, short of being strict where required, would you expect him to be able to handle our expeditions, numerous as they are? Hmm?' There had followed a fatherly pat on the shoulder. 'And that is to say nothing of him being your own brother! You too have a thing or two to learn from him, you know.'

The Lone Call, vol. 1 [under revision]Where stories live. Discover now