(S1) Move 4: Wings in the West

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The following day.

"Gracious... standing guard in this kind of weather would be worrisome indeed..." Senna remarked as she shielded her eyes against the gust, sheltered as she was under the barracks' roof. "To think this is only five days away before the supposed grand ceremony. We better set to make something warm for those valiant souls out there, wouldn't you say, Sir Ukara?"

"Wouldn't let such a noble chance slip," her superior assented, with a grin. "Start looking for possible leaks and see to them, while you're at it. Praises be to Allah, that it didn't rain this hard during our siege of this city..."

"Couldn't agree more. Otherwise it would've gotten very mucky, the land itself fast turning into quicksands, and our morale would arguably have been affected to a considerable extent. Nor would our field pieces have been of any immediate use. For my part, I could imagine the general's immense frustration at that alone; he values deadlines almost to the letter, you see."

Ukara simply shrugged.

"Be that as it may, Sen, he's never been a man to put up a fit over something as unpredictable as the weather, so far as I'm concerned. Rather, he would've inquired with some alarm as to the state to our fleets at sea. You're very welcome to picture for yourself the state of the waves at times like these..."

Senna whistled. "I didn't realize Urdin has that side, sir; not until you pointed that out."

"Now, this is indeed why he is a general and you're not... yet."

"Heey~!! Anyone nearby~?!"

At this distant sound the officers halted their talking.

"Sir, did you manage to catch that?" the lady major inquired with a touch of fear, to her mentor's grim, slow nod.

"Now, let's see..."

The pupils of Senna's eyes turned to be like an eagle's, and in this state she peered into the raging downpour. After some time, a silhouette became visible.


"What the... Someone's in there!" she turned to regard Ukara, but the latter had dashed right into the storm with a rapidity that astonished even her. Instinctively she dashed off inside the barracks to have something warm prepared.

Hardly had she put the teapot over the fire, however, had Ukara returned with a soaked, coughing lady in tow.

"Someone get her something to dry herself with!" he bellowed.

Finding none near enough to render aid save from a snoring Colonel Rahman--tossing this way and that under his blanket--the ever-headstrong Senna brazenly opted to tear it away.

"Sorry, Rahm, I'm borrowing this one!"

Coincidentally, the blanket was grabbed when Rahman's body was not fully pressing it. The colonel grunted, but failed to wake up.

"Tsk... slumbering like a rock on the roadside... See how sound that slumber will be when the general got through with you!"

Rahman simply moaned in a low tone, and tossed once again.


"T-thank you," the newcomer lady managed, now seated on an empty trunk but still shivering. "I owe you both one."

"Please, good lady, 'twas nothing. Just calm down and in a moment you'll have a mug of warm tea, if it suits you. Brewed it myself."

"Oh my, the steps you'd take..."

"Don't mention it," the female major smiled. "Here now, feel free to look around. The tea should be ready any minute now..."

"Oh, by the way, name's Histira, of the rejuvenating navy. Got lost in my way to my own quarters, fool me. This is the army's barracks, correct?"

The Lone Call, vol. 1 [under revision]Where stories live. Discover now