(S1) Move 6: Double Dare

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"Your long letter yesterday got me acquainted with the matter's gist," Lord Hospodia frowned at his brother as they once more talked it out in the throne room. "What I really wish to know is, how in the world do you possess the audacity to propose an alliance with pirates from some backwater island? What will our people think of us?"

"My dear amir," Urdin replied, "do recall that it was you who wished for a functioning trade in the first place, while failing to specify with whom. I am merely helping to see it through."

Ingeras blinked at this coolly-delivered statement.

"Gracious! But with pirates and marauders, who had nevertheless plied their trade in ways not consistent with The Straight Path? I will not be associated with them in any way if I can help it, thank you very much!"

"I am inclined to believe they were forced into performing such trade, sir."

"Do explain, Urdi."

"Simple. Those inhabitants of the Second Kalifate's northernmost outpost had had none else to trade with! Following the Kalifate's rapid unraveling, the Sigistans' neighbors both to the north and south had been embroiled in petty spats--and these for decades. If they were to put their lives on the line, heck, they might as well do it in a way that could still bring hope for fresh provisions: pirating. Meantime, we as newcomers to this region more readily perceive the act as what it is, instead of what it had sought to avoid. I implore you to recall our own raiding past, for that matter!"

Lord Hospodia sat back in his throne, reflecting.

"Ah. Put in that way, their line of work had been out of necessity indeed, and they do deserve help. One lasting solution would be to engage in an active trade..."

"Yes, indeed." Urdin nodded. "There is, moreover, your stated anxiety of us being seen rather negatively through this kind of deal; which is not entirely baseless. To that end, I'll venture to propose a second alliance."

"How interesting. Which powerhouse do you have in mind for this?"

The general exhaled. "The Principality of Estreon, to our extreme west. It is more land-based, and their domains are relatively connected with those of another powerful neighbor from whom they can derive trade."

Hospodia's amir resumed his upright position. "I recall you'd suggested that we deal with them at an opportune time; never did I guess it'd be this soon. Possible drawbacks?"

"Given their proximity to their own northern neighbor, my amir, the Estreans might prove more reluctant to accept whatever we have to offer. Not that they would not consider them..."

Ingeras left his grand seat and patted his younger brother on both shoulders while smiling broadly.

"Praises be to Allah, that I have been bestowed with a wise and brilliant schemer of a younger brother, with commendable loyalty nonetheless. Little wonder that Father had entrusted you with Hospodia's future rule over even my own son, Urdi. Incidentally, we are now in the fourth day before the oath-taking ceremony..."

"For your information, I cannot promise the double deals to be concluded in such a short span of time, sir."

Ingi's hands pressed momentarily on the general's shoulders.

"I understand that much. If you need anything else to aid in the conclusion of these upcoming treaties, just refer to me, alright? Together we shall elevate the peoples of this region to the level of prosperity they deserve, insha Allah."

The Lone Call, vol. 1 [under revision]Where stories live. Discover now