I finish chewing and look up at him. "I know, but if he's watching I just feel like he'll be able to tell I'm talking about him. the last thing that can happen is him finding out that this is all a plan. he'll ruin me." I swallow the air in my throat, nervous at just the thought. "he can't find out until I end this at graduation."

then school will be over and I won't ever have to see him again.

"we know the plan, evie. don't worry," reese reassures me. "he's not going to catch on. in case you haven't noticed, he's not the brightest."

I simply nod. while he isn't book smart, I don't think he's an idiot. I still have to be careful.

I'm in the middle of taking another bite of my salad when someone random guy walks up to our table. he looks young, like he's a junior here, so I have no idea who he is. but he's somewhat attractive; the first thing I notice is his blue eyes.

"hey evie," he starts, saying my name when I don't even know his. I quickly wipe the corner of my mouth and swallow before looking up at him. "heard about you and dolan, and what he did is real fucked up and pathetic. I just wanted to ask if you wanted some real dick tonight." he stands confidently, clearing trying to show off the slight bulge in his grey sweatpants.

"fu-" julian's about to say something to him, but I kick his leg under the table quickly. I'll handle this.

I rest my chin on my hand, looking at the boy sweetly. "am I supposed to be impressed?" I ask, glancing down to his almost non-existent bulge and back up.

he grins cheekily, probably liking that I'm playing hard to get. "you will be. and just for the record, I'd treat you better than he ever could." his deep voice is alluring, I'll give him that. but overall, he doesn't have a chance. he's much too arrogant, a quality I've never been attracted to.

also, when did I suddenly get this reputation that I'm fine with sleeping around?

before I can respond to him, he pulls out the chair next to me and sits down awfully close. "before you say no, let me just say I'd make it a night you'd never forget." he's trying to make his voice husky and sexy but it sounds ridiculous.

"you think you have what it takes to please me?" I look at him incredulously. but his assurance in himself doesn't waver.

he keeps grinning, "it's not like you have much to compare me to. guaranteed, you won't even be able to stand in the morning after I'm done with you."

"honey, I don't think you'd last over a minute," I quickly shoot back out of anger, and out of the corner of my eye, I see reese and julian trying not to laugh. "and believe me, it's you who wouldn't be able to handle me."

his face starts getting red because I guess all the guys at the table over are his friends, and they're laughing their asses off at me rejecting him. when I realize he has nothing left to say, I finish this conversation. "so thanks for the offer, but no."

he swallows, not even meeting my eyes again as he gets up and walks away. all the confidence he approached me with is gone now.

it's boys like him that need to be taken down a notch.

"damn, I forgot you don't need protecting," julian tells me with an amused look on his face. "the poor guy isn't gonna be able to live that down."

"good," reese adds in a proud voice. "he's a sleaze. hopefully that discourages him from doing that to other girls."

"oh, that isn't going to stop him," I tell her surely. "but hopefully that just stops him from bothering me. he can be someone else's problem."

my phone vibrates then, so I slip it out of my back pocket and check it under the table. julian and reese return to eating, so I take it as a moment to quickly look at the notification.

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