Chapter 29: Prelude to Revenge

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Being grounded sucks! No phone, no tv, no video games, no computer, no boyfriend. We weren't even allowed to ride our bikes outside or jump on the trampoline. The only things we were allowed to do was chores, hygiene, homework and go to church/youth group. Ma and Daddy were making a point of making sure that we were as bored and miserable as possible.

Ma would occasionally ask us "so when are you allowed to hit someone?"

ISS was not fun either. We were not allowed to talk at all. We had a ton of work to do. We all had to sit still and not make a sound. If we didn't then they would take us to the stairwell paddle you and add more days. I saw that happen to a tenth grader who was in ISS for skipping class.

The day after I got through ISS, Lisa came up to me. "Allie when are we doing your plan to take down Mrs. Clifton?"

"Not anytime soon. I am still grounded, and I still can't sit comfortably, after the beating my Dad gave me two days ago. He was pissed. You need to need to give my butt time to heal and for my parents to back off. If I sneeze or fart the wrong way, they are all over me. All while telling us they are proud we stuck together." Say as I roll my eyes.

"I understand," Lisa says.

"No, you don't. Lisa, I'm mad at my Dad. He talks all about family this and family that. Rule one is family first. So, we stick together we get punished for sticking up for each other. Daddy can go fuck himself! It's not fair!"

"So, what are you going to do about it?"

"Not much I can do, but I don't have to like him, respect him or talk to him."

"So, the silent treatment?"

"Yeah and avoid him when at all possible."

"He probably won't even realize what is going on. I did that to my Dad for two months and he didn't notice. Can you give me a hand with my Martian Luther King project" Lisa asks?

"I'll help you, and Jen with your MLK projects, but we have to lay low for a while."

So it was that I helped my sister and friends with their ten-page papers on the Civil Rights movement and Martian Luther King Jr. I was so wore out. Ma started worrying about me. She would catch me up after lights out working on the term papers.

"Allie, I appreciate how hard you are working, but you need to get some sleep you are a growing girl," Ma would say.

"I'm fine Ma, stop worrying about me I'm a big girl."

"You are also not eating. Please start taking care of yourself and get to bed."

"Yes, Ma."

That is the way it typically went. I would naturally get off the computer and go to bed, until I thought it was safe and then get up and continue working.

Ma noticed I that I started coughing a lot, being even moodier than normal, and not looking good. Ma being Ma kept a close eye on me.

Ma was so happy to see that project being over, after a few weeks. I overheard her talking to Dad, "now since that project is over maybe Allie, will be able to relax some."

The day after we all turned in our projects, I got sick. I got one of the flu versions that was not covered by the flu shot. Ma blamed me not resting and Mrs. Clifton. As a result, she made changed mine and Jen's bedtime from 9:30 pm to 8:45 pm.

Me being me yelled "that's not fair! I get sick and you change our bedtimes what are we ten?"

"You are acting like a ten-year-old, and not a fourteen-year-old. Do I need to remind you of the penalty for yelling at your mom?"

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