Chapter 11: Pain in the Youth Group

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Ma gave both Jen and I new fall Sunday dresses "to fit our maturing bodies." It was a black full-length dress with long sleeves to keep us warm. It came down almost to my ankles. Ma likes long proper dresses. It was black with red and orange flowers.

The Sunday pattern was Ma would get us up and give us our dresses and Dad would get the boys up and give them a ties and jackets. At least one or two of us would grumble. Ok I would grumble, and Mark would make wise cracks about choking on the tie that Mom and Dad made him and Blake wear. It is typically ended when Mom or Dad gives us one of their looks or gives both of us one of their warnings.

Even though I still don't believe in God, I am enjoying Father Jim's homilies. He has a way of taking the Gospel and turning it something personal like he's trying to talk to me instead of the whole church.

When we get home Mom and Dad get to work on our big Sunday family breakfast. As soon as we walk in the front door "Allie I want you to sit down at the table and get started on your all of your makeup work from your Thursday absence including your History essay. I want you to get as much of it done as possible before you have to go to youth group."

It was scary how she always knew what our homework was.

"I don't have to go. I can always stay home and finish it."

"Nice, try you're going."

"Can I at least go change before I get to work?"

"No, you don't have that much time. I want all of your free time doing your homework. Jen, you can join your sister, at the table doing the same thing."

"Yes Ma'am" we both respond, and do what we are told.

Thirty minutes later Ma and Dad start bringing out plates to the table just as I am finishing my history essay. Jen chose to work on her Algebra I.

"Ok, girls" Dad says as he's bringing a big plate of bacon and French toast to the table "go put up your books, and get your brothers and sister.

I pick up my books "Nic, and idiots! Breakfast! I yell.

Dad Gibbs slaps me across the back of the head.

"Ow!" I yell

"I told you to go get your brothers and sister not yell at them. If I wanted that done I would have done it."

Mark, Blake and Nic walk into the dining room as Dad is finishing getting on to me. Mark has a grin on his face that disappears when Dad looks at him.

In the middle of breakfast, the boys are talking football with Dad, when Jen asks, "so Mom what's this week's youth group topic?"

I really like Jen but she can be a kiss up sometimes.

"We are going to be discussing gender roles in the church and in life."

"Who is we?" I ask.

"Well I am going to be sitting in."

"Why" I ask with more attitude than I meant.

"I always visit from time to time. I haven't visited your group in a while to give you some space. If the topic is potentially controversial, I always sit in."

"I guess that means someone is going to have to behave" Blake says.

"Who are you talking about" I ask defensively.

"Relax Drama Queen, I was talking about all of us. Guilty conscience?"

"Just try to pretend I am not there" Ma says.

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