Chapter Twenty Five

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" Welcome back! " , Shaahid slid into Saajid's room and closed the door behind.

Saajid grinned.

His room now looked like a municipality garbage dump where the trash of the entire city was deposited.

He had returned just an hour back, at 9 in the night.

Shaahid somehow made his way upto a chair and sat down. He was slowly getting used to untidiness.

" Thank you so much Shaahid bhai that my house didn't turn upside down. Otherwise, I was afraid of leaving Sakina behind alone all these months. " , Saajid kept grinning.

" Your bravery, that you trusted me completely. She could have really done anything. " , Shaahid shrugged.

Saajid grew somewhat serious.
" Has my sister gone completely insane? Is there really a chance of getting her back? "

" Of course she's gone mad, but we can completely recover her. The process is on and here I'm to gist it to you. "

" Oh damn!
Wait I'll change into my boxers first. "
Saajid said excitedly.

Shaahid made a terrified face.
" Ermm.. That I guess you can do after I leave. I don't think what I'm going to transmit is THAT exciting! "

Saajid made a sad face and settled down in his shirt and worn out trousers.

" Say then, if this dress looks suitable to you. "

" What's in the dress? " , Shaahid was confused.

Saajid looked startled.
" Everything's in the dress!
Have you seen people listening to prayers in bikinis?
Or to mournings in lehengas?
Or to lectures in shorts?

There's a mood to every type of thing you are involving yourself in. And every mood has some particular clothing. "

Shaahid stared at him for sometime.
" Okay, if listening to my plan wants you to be in boxers, I don't mind. "

" Go ahead. My mood just changed. " , Saajid blinked.

Shaahid sighed.

" Okay, so...
Sakina's only problem is that, she has completely forgotten the event of Salman's death.

Now, she is slowly drifting away from him.
At this point of time, if we can revive the incident of Salman's death, she will accept it this time.

And she'll believe it, getting rid of Salman completely. "

Saajid's eyes brightened.
" This is.....brilliant....!!!

But, how is she drifting away from Salman already? "

" You leave that to me.

I need you all to take part in Salman's death recreation. That's it. "

Saajid stared at him for sometime. As if reflecting something deeply.

Then said,

" I'll do anything that brings my sister back.

I trust you completely Shaahid bhai.

You see to it, that she's healed.

You see to it, that Salman disappears from her life completely. "

" I promise. " , Shaahid smiled.


At three next afternoon, Shaahid found himself following a beggar down narrow puddled obnoxious lanes below a flyover.

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