He looked out the window and saw the bright sun right in front of them, it made him smile and shudder inside, it's finally happening, maybe he isn't worthy of the title god of lies anymore, he clearly doesn't lie as much as before even when he means to, it made him quite proud.

"I find your lack of belief wounding." Loki replied as he feigned being offended

Thor could only chuckle as his brother stood beside him with his arms crossed, he remembered how he used to be taller than him, when most of Asgard was actually questioning his height for a male yet here he was, standing at the same height as him, he grew too fast, they both did. He would remember the times when he could place him in a simple headlock and just pat his head but now it seemed a bit weird, he missed what they used to do, deep inside he just wants to be the prince they used to be.

Loki on the other hand was busy thinking of a way to rebuild Asgard, to just bring everything back, he was broken inside and he knew it, he wanted Asgard back, his home, jotun or not he was and always will be asgardian, although he was still ashamed to face the people after all the crimes he has committed, he wants to gain their trust and for that to happen, Asgard needs to return.

"How far are you willing to go for Asgard to come back?" The god of mischief suddenly asked

Thor glanced at him "To whatever extent."

Loki nodded to himself, of course, his brother would do anything. An idea immediately popped in his head but it sounded like him taking over New York once more or worse, the sound of the idea was not that horrible but mostly scary, not everyone trusts him and doing what he was thinking about would only strengthen that belief.

He thought about gathering the infinity stones and using it to do what Thanos was about to do with a different purpose, snap back those all of Asgard, those that were lost in ragnarok and everything they had witnessed, it would be better if Thor used it, both of them actually, it would cause less damage. Asgard can't lose its king, he'd take it all in the moment it feels destructive to spare his brother, getting the stones was no problem, he has the space stone that would help him to find the others and lead him there, he's also a skywalker that meant he could walk through worlds, he'd easily teleport there, retrieve it and place it back.

The prince glanced at his brother who was still staring at nothing and sighed, it was his brother's approval that would take some time, he would probably ask him if he was mad to which he'll reply that he is. For now it will remain as an idea, perhaps when he comes back from Vanaheim then he'll voice it out, if not then a few hundred years of finding a new home might not hurt.

"Very well." Loki replied as he released a deep breath "I shall tell you when I think of something."

Thor smiled and placed a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder "Thank you."

"What am I to do at Stark's?" The young god suddenly questioned "Surely you don't expect me to die out of boredom."

The thunderer sighed before giving off a simple shrug "Since you are an avenger I think you will help with some of the missions, nothing you can't handle. Lady Wanda may also be inclined to show you around."

Loki rolled his eyes at the lame answers but knew he had to deal with it, back in Asgard he could do everything and pull pranks on everyone, he never got bored unless he needed to fix some of Thor's mess. He was aware that his brother is trying to lessen his activities and use of magic at the moment, he know he cares but it was choking him, yet he can't bring himself to tell that to Thor.

"I will try to talk to some of the people." The god of mischief said before pointing to the place where the citizens of Asgard are

Thor nodded "That may be a good idea, do you know the whereabouts of Lady Wanda?"

The Sun Will Shine ➸ LOKI Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя