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Stepping out of the doors after jungkook you heard the piercing screams of the fans approaching. You have been a bodyguard for so many different artist that the screams don't phase you anymore, but nothing compares to the volume of screams coming from these fans; but that's not important right now. Right now your priority is jimin.

As you walk down the never ending halls of fans trying to get through the barrier the airport security has created. You are on jimin's left . through the dense crowd of fans shoving their cameras past each other to get a better view. You spot two girls walking to the right of jimin behind all the fans and security. They were just walking. Probably just trying to get out of the airport, same as you, but still and unsettling feeling sinks in your stomach. No something was wrong they were clearly fans because of their stairs. More than just a regular person would look onto a crowd. No there stairs where full of fire and you felt like you were being burned alive.

Both girls were wearing casual clothes you would see on any girl that was just out with her friends. One had short brown hair and a cherry read skirt with a white blouse and a red jacket on while the other had long black hair and a white skirt with red blouse with the same matching red jacket.The long haired girl was practically burning a hole int jungkook's head, who was in front of you, with her stair; and the one with short hair was doing the same to jimin.

Why were they not taking pictures? Screaming? Freaking out? Anything to let you know they were a fan. This further intensified your uneasy feeling.

Switching to the other side of jimin you were closer to the girls. One more wall they had to go through. You examine them closely trying to find anything strange about them. Both girls had their hands in there pockets. Ok so? People always have their hands in their jacket pockets? Wait. why are they wearing jackets? Its 87 degrees! You focus in more into their pockets.a gun? No it would be weighing it down too much and i would be able to see the outline you thought. They definitely had something inside them but you couldn't make it out. As you were trying to decode what object created inside their hand a man going in the opposite direction bumped into the short haired girl. She stumbled a bit a readjusted what was in her pocket . that's when you got a clear image of what it was. A knife. Of course it was it wouldn't weigh much and it would be hard to detect.

It all happened so fast after it clicked into your mind. One of the girls, the long haired one, charged through security like a human boulder at security . once thought she lunged at jungkook.

"Knife!" you yelled as adrenaline kicked in.

You grabbed jungkook's arm, yanking him behind you as he girl took a stab at where he once was. That could have punchered his stomach. When she extended her arm to take a stab at you you grabbed her forearm pulling it behind her back while twisting it to inflict pain. Her grip loosened on the knife as it fell to the ground. I

It was a switchblade. Grabbing it off the ground you tucked the blade back into the socket, while kicking her in the back of her knees, causing her to collapse on the floor. One of the other guards rushed in and grabbed her arms, keeping them tightly in place behind her back. A sigh of relief parted with your lips as that situation was diffused. Adrenaline was still surging through your veins as you still think of how to protect jimin. Thoughts race back and forth through your mind but one stands out. There was two.

Just as the adrenaline started to die down in your veins it when right back up. The second girl was now charging at jimin, knife pointing straight ahead. There was not time to grab her arm like the other girl. There was barely even time to react. so you did the one thing that come into your mind. Pushing jimin out of the way she impaled you with her knife in the stomach. Pain was not a factor right now. Pain was irrelevant. More Adrenaline rushed through your veins as fast as blood rushed out of your stomach.

"You bitch that was meant for jimin!" she hissed. Her face full of that same fire and rage as before.

Grabbing her wrist you smashed it so hard you thought you broke it but it doesn't matter all that matters was that she let go of the knife and you were able to twist her arm behind her back and make her drop to her knees like the other girl.

Other security rushed in and replaced your hands with cuffs giving the same speech they always do

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court." as they dragged her away

"Keep going." you lightly shoved jimin and jungkook towards the exit.

Pilling into the van the pain of the knife that was still inside of you finally hit.

"Fuck !" you gritted your teeth while clutching you stomach right below the knife. Jimin and jungkook came out of their shocked state and back to reality.

Looking up you see loons in the driver's seat.

"Hey do you mind dropping me off at the ER really quick?" you ask

" what the actual fuck y/n! Its kinda implied we are taking you to the ER!" loona speed out of the airport following the police car that was giving us an escort. Looking down you notice that the blood is spilling out of your hand onto the van.

"Hey sorry if the van gets stained with blood." you apologise.

"Y/N YOU WERE JUST STABBED IN YOUR STOMACH DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT CAR RIGHT NOW WE CAN GET A NEW ONE BUT YOU Are irreplaceable." jimin's voice started to break off. Now he was crying. Oh god you hated to see him crying it was more painful than your stomach.

"Please don't cry," you spoke softly. " i'll be fine but i can't stand to see you cry." he held onto you upper arm and placed his head down softly trying to muffle his sobs.

Pulling into the ER jimin and jungkook didn't even wait until the car was stopped before flinging the door open and leaping out. Paparazzi was already outside taking photos. The police officer who had given you and escort had already ran into to building yelling for help. You threw your arm over jimin's shoulder as he snaked his arm around you, careful not to touch your stomach. Nurses swarmed around you. Jimin helped you sit in the wheelchair one of them had brought. It was getting hard for you to keep your eyes open. The nurses could tell. They started wheeling you in, causing you to let go of jimin's hand. You felt like you were gonna pass out but you couldn't infront of jimin. He would cry. So you stayed awake till he was out of sight. Before you let your consciousness slip.  


First of all i just wanna say a big thank you to all the nurses and doctors of the world. You guys are amazing and i am so thankful 

anyway thank you guys for reading and if you wanna drop some love in the comments feel free to it would be greatly appreciated bc im not really feeling that much motivation to finish this but anyway love you guys! 

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