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" i don't see why we have to wake up this early! Can't we just take a later flight?" loona whined.

" it sucks to wake up early but it's our job so we can do anything about it." you state matter-of-factly.

"I'll go on strike !" she chanted.You gave her a questioning glance.

"I'm sure you will." you taunt her.

Arriving at big hits building you walk into see the front deserted except for one lone receptionist. She glances up to you for a fraction of a second before returning to whatever was on her screen.

"Come on everyone's probably gonna be panicking. You should help rose. She never picks up in time." loona ushers you towards the door to the dressing and makeup.

" i have to finish packing a few things in my office but i'll meet you later." loona shouts as she walks down the hallway to where you are assuming is her office. You open the door to reveal a few people scurrying around. Some looked panicked others looked calm and collected. Scanning the room you see a familiar face with panicked expression painted across it.

"hey rose you ok? You need help?" you offer

" oh my gosh thank goodness you are here! I have been dying! I forgot to pack last night so i ended up packing this morning and then i needed to pack up my makeup and everything is piling up!" she rants as she presses her head against her forehead, letting out a sigh.

" woah woah slow down its alright i'll help you pack."

" its ok i just get really stressed when we fly. I have had my fare share of run ins with sasaengs," she starts to place her brushes in a bag. "- they get jealous because we get close to the boys. It's a very stressful situation for everyone." you nod your head in agreement.

" i'm on the news!" you dramatically tell her. She giggles.

" they will get used to you. BTS has a lot of female staff so hopefully they will realize that." she pats your shoulder for comfort.

" yea, yea. Anyway have you seen jimin?" you ask

"I thought it was your job to keep track of him." she teases. You glare at her.

"Last i heard he was almost here." she puts her hands up in defense.

As if on cue jimin stumbles in, rubbing his eyes. He yawns as he lays down on the couch closing his eyes and slipping back into his dreams. "Cute" you think as you stare at the man who looks like a sleeping baby. He mumbles something before curling into a ball. The rest of the boys pile in one after another, all finding a small chair or couch to resume sleeping on. All the women rushing around paused for a moment admiring the sleeping babies. A few let out a small "awww" but soon resumed working.

Packing time soon came to a close as it was time to leave for the airport. You got the task of waking up jimin. He seemed so peaceful. You didn't want to wake him up but you had a flight to catch. Sighing in defeat you lightly shook his shoulder. " 5 more minutes....." he mumbled. You couldn't wake him up! It would just be cruel! There was only one option left. Scoping him up into your arms so that his legs wrapped around your waist and his arms hung around your neck. You felt him nussle his face into your neck.

Mentally cursing you carried him outside and loaded him into the back seat. Sitting next to him and buckling him in his head feel onto your shoulder like in some cliche love story. By this time all the other boys were wide awake. The body guards not being so kind as you in their wake up call.

Getting onto the plane isn't the hard part it's getting off. Those word swirled inside your head. Everyone had repeated that to you. You were flying first class along with the other guards and a few staff members.

" i call dibs on the window seat!" jungkook shouted while sprinting towards the seats.

"Hey no fair!" v argued following right on jungkooks tail. Both struggled to get through the plane door. Neither one willing to let the other get a headstart.

"Neither of you ungrateful brats are getting the window seat i am! Now move aside for your hyung!" jin pushed past them settling into the window seat on the second row.

" hey no fair hyung!" jungkook complained.

" yes we wanted the window seat!" v joined in.

The youngers and elders continued to bicker failing to notice the rest of the seats getting filled up.

Bang took the window seat on the first row right in front of jin. Across for bang on the first row o t the right was suga , who claimed the window seat, and jhope who sat on the aisle seat. You and jimin sat on the second row across for jin and behind soap . jimin took the window seat as per his request. Two guards sat behind you and jimin. Another pair sat behind jin who was still bickering with the youngers. Rose sat along with the two guards on the aisle seat. Rm stood behind the boys  and cleared his throat.

" guys please sit somewhere i really want to get to my seat and your holding everyone up. " rm calmly commanded them more than asked.

Finally coming back to reality they scanned the empty seats. To their dismay no window seats left. Groaning the boys retired into the two empty seats next to bang on the first row. Rm sat next to his husband. I mean jin. With lonna claiming the aisle seat. The number of seats on each side want even. Jins side had 3 seats to a row but yours only had 2. The boys settled in as the rest of the plane packed in. you noticed many girls giggling and glancing at the boys before back to their friends. Sighing you released. This was gonna be a long flight.


i haven't proof read it so sorry for mistakes

If anyone is confused about seating it's like this.

Bang v jungkook (     ) jhope suga

Jin    rm   loona (         ) y/n jimin

guard guard Rose (    ) guard guard

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