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I knew for a while that were was something different about me..

It started out really young.

Still a child, with those huge hazel eyes that held

wonder and hope.

I didn't talk a lot when I was a child.

My parents, my friends..all assumed that maybe this was a p h a s e.

I wish it was.

As I grew up, talking was still not something I was comfortable with.

Maybe with my parents..

sometimes my therapist..

But even then.. talking still didn't come naturally.

I wish it did, but words didn't roll off of my tongue.

They simply stayed in the back of my throat,

they were there to stay, not to leave I guess.

It's hard walking around,

and knowing people see how different you are.

I was the outcast.

For so many long exhausting years.

My eyes lost that light that was hidden behind them.

My heart which used to be beating so soundly,

is now as quiet and empty as a graveyard.

Tombstones resembles all the lives that were lost

in the war.

That took place between my heart and my mind.

In the end there was no winner.

I lost small parts of me.

As each day passed by.

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