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"Hi James.

Firstly, I think I owe you a apology.

That day you came up to me and introduced yourself,

I know I walked away without saying anything

...The reason was that because..I can't speak..

I'm not exactly comfortable talking around anyone..unless its someone I trust...

Like my parents."

5 letters.

five blows to my stomach,

leaving me gasping for air

Air that will never come.

Truth was dissembling, slowly tearing at its seams.

I silently read the rest of the letter to myself.

"..Just know if I could..I would have said hi."

- Annabelle 

- "P.S I'm sorry for what happened in algebra.

They're wrong about you...there is no such thing as "talking to much".

The words that you speak so effortlessly are beautiful..

don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Those comments are coming from people who don't appreciate the beauty..of words.

Like you do.."

Silence Hidden In WordsWhere stories live. Discover now