The Heart's Sorrow & a Heartfelt Confession

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One long week later...

"Your gonna tell her right right?" Olivia asked gleefully, her face bright with joy.

"Uh....I-I don't know," Lukas stammered, his voice faltering a bit.

" might want to tell her..," Olivia said then smirked lopsidedly, "Besides I see the way you two look at each other."

"Oh and what's that supposed to mean exactly..."

"That my ship shall sail. Now go tell her so it can!" Olivia exclaimed, unable to contain her own excitement.

"And what if she doesn't like me like that?" Lukas said uneasily, his foot shifting uncomfortably, "Ever think of that."

Olivia laughed and said reassuringly, "...I promise you she does."

Lukas got off the wall and with a heavy sigh, slowly walked up the wide stairwell.

Olivia was practically bouncing up and down with each step she took.

She was a little ways from Lukas, but cheerful nevertheless.

Lukas was fiddling with his cold fingers restlessly. His heart was racing and he felt like he couldn't do this.

Even though he and Olivia had went through what to say about only 5 million times, he still couldn't help but be nervous.

Lukas and Olivia's small footsteps echoed off the wall's.

With each step, Lukas grew more anxious.

Each thought, made him want to run and hide somewhere.

Instead he simply braced himself, to face her. To tell her how he felt.

As Lukas and Olivia reached the top, Lukas suddenly paused and nervously bit his bottom lip.

Olivia faced him and warmly patted Lukas on the back. "You can do this Lukas."

Lukas' eye's widened, his now distracted gaze not even directed to Olivia anymore.

Olivia turned and her eye's widened as well.

"Your not supposed to be here right now," A doctor said, lightly pushing Lukas back and rushing into Jesse's room.

Lukas' gaze was locked on the one thing that he could clearly see of Jesse from where he was standing.

Her quivering arm was wrapped tight around the glossy side-rail.

Lukas was frozen in place like a statue, but as he saw her grip fall from the rail he felt his blood run cold and the color from his face drained.

Shock was evident all over his face and Olivia tugged on his sleeve.

"Come on," Olivia said bluntly.

A few hours later...

Lukas had his hand cupped over his mouth, his foot rapidly tapping against the floor.

His other arm was on the armrest, his face contorted with worry.

He knew she was growing weaker, but now...she's bad really bad.

Lately, she had been purely happy, but now this is the week it just comes crashing down.

Olivia sighed heavily and leaned back, her dull eyes were red and possibly strained.

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