letter #4

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Dear Dalton,

*blushes* Thank you for your compliments, my love, for they get me through my struggles.

I am sorry that your sister is ill, but what is she sick with? You know that I have all the best remedies! Certain teas can help, you know that, and lots and lots of rest!

And no, I am sorry but I am not free this summer, too much work for a Midwest girl like me. Good news— I've found a job and they have given me quite a workload, seeing that I am the "new girl". After summer, though, I should be fine... and I can even come see your family! How nice would that be!

I can't wait for spring to be over (it's too hot to be just after winter!) and to be able to see you. I love you and hope you are staying well.

From NYC, with Love,


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