Chapter 12: A happily ever after

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Author's POV

"If you wish it, it can become true" A small person said. The whole team was looking at him with their eyes wide opened.

"And who are you?" Travis asked.

"I am Jayd and I am a genie." Jayd said.

"Then what are you doing here?" Hawk asked. Jayd looked at Hawk and said:

"For someone who makes wishes, you have troubles trusting people, haven't you?" He then looked at the time and said.

"At one of your dragon rases, Rose fall at One thousand and one nights. She asked me to help her get to her dragon and wake it up. That's why I granted her wishes. But technically, she made only 2 wishes. She wanted her last wish to be granted by one of her friends if something had happened to her" ( I don't know if you guys noticed but on season 1 episode 2 Rose made only two wish. I wonder what happened to the third one. If you have a theory share it in the comments. Back to the story now). Jayd said and looked at Rose.

"I suppose that's what she ment by ' difficult situation' " He continued. He looked at Hawk and said:

"Since you were the first to make a wish, her wish is yours now. So what's your wish?"

Hawk was surprised. He thought for a little while and them answered.

"I wish for Rose to live and be back with us" Hawk said but in his mind, he said " with me ".

Hawk's POV

"Well I am afraid that this isn't possible-" Jayd started but I enterapted him.

"WHAT!!??" I almost yelled. I was losing even the last hope that I had. I can't even imagine a life without Rose.

"Don't interrupt me!" Jayd demanded.

"As I was saying, it's not possible for me to bring her back because of the genie rules but you you can" He continued.

"How?" Travis asked.

"It's easy. Just think of the ways that princes save their princesses." Jayd said and he disappeared.

"That was.......... something." Astoria said.

"So what do you think he meant?" Lingling asked.

"I have no idea but it is a sine that Rose will live" I said. My eyes were full of hope. Now, i know that there is a way to get Rose back.

"But how?" Travis asked again.

"Well my grandfather always says that the strongest antidote for even the strongest courses is true love's kiss." Joy said while she had a smile on her face.

"But how can we know that this is a spell?" Astoria asked.

"Well, we have nothing to lose" Lingling said. Than everyone smirked at me.

"Why me?" I asked. Don't get me wrong I want to kiss her but not like that!

"Well let's see, first you love her, second I have a girlfriend and third and most important, YOU LOVE HER!!!!!" Travis shouted. Well he has a point. I gave up. I looked at Rose with a sad smile.

"My princess, if only you knew how much I love you too." I whispered and likely nobody heard me. Not that I would mind since all of them know. I came closer and my lips touched hers. I can't believe I'm kissing her! Honestly I didn't want to break the kiss but unfortunately I had to. I broke the kiss and looked at her. She stated to glow light blue! She opened her eyes and said:

"What happened?"

I shower, I started crying from joy! I lift her up in the air and spin her a couple of times. When I let her down, I hugged her really tight. I was so afraid I was going to lose her again. Sone the others joined the hug.

"Feels good to be back" Rose said.

"Come on everybody, after all the things we've been through, I think we deserve some nice vacations. Let's go home" Astoria said and we left the castle with huge smiles on our faces knowing that we had Rose was back.

~At the secret garden~

Author's POV

Rose was sitting on the branches of Love, telling the other trees what had happened or at least what she remembered.

"So you told him how you feel and then you blacked out!?" Maggie said.

"Yep" Rose replied.

"And the last thing I remember is that I woke up in his arms" Rose continued.

"Aw, how sweet! Waking up in the arms of your true love! How romantic!" Love said. Wize rolled his eyes in her comment.

"Speaking of which, here he comes" Floral said.

"Hi Rose" Hawk said with a sweat smile.

"Hi Hawk" Rose said and blushed.

"Um......can we talk?" Hawk asked. Rose nodded. Hawk climbed up the tree and sat besides Rose.

"So um..... about earlier...." Hawk began.

"What about it?" Rose asked.

"Well.... I was wondering...... Did you really meant what you said?" Hawk asked. He might have kissed her with true love's kiss but he was still unsure. Rose was surprised with his question but she knew she couldn't avoid it. She took a deep breath and said.

"Yes, I mean it Hawk. I love you, I truly do but it's ok if you don't feel the same" Rose said and looked down upset. Hawk lift her chin inorder to make her look at him. He smiled and said.

"Rose, you are one of the most amazing persons I have ever met in my hol entire life. You are so different from the other princess and that's what makes you special. You don't hesitate to help any person in need and you've shown great strength of character during the obstacles of the summer. That's why I love you" Hawk said with a sweat voice causing Rose to blush really hard. The came closer and closer till they shared a long passionate kiss.

They broke the kiss after a few minutes and looked at each other and just smiled. They turned their heads and looked at the sunset. Rise rested her head and Hawk's shoulder while Hawk rested his head on Rose's head. They had interlocked hands and huge smiles on their faces. What they didn't know was that on Love's trunk a heart with their names had magically appeared.

The end!

✳️At least for now......✳️


The picture above is the heart from Love's trunk. I couldn't put it in any other way. See you all in a little while!😘😘😘

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