Chapter 11: This can't be happening!

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Hi guys! I know it's been quite a bit since I updated but some things came up. Anyway, let's forget about me and go back to the story.

NOTE: Some parts are a little depressing.


Hawk's POV

We were teleported at the Snow Queen's castle! And Kira and Vicky had disappeared.

"Why would they bring us here?" Rose asked.

"Maybe it's a trap!" I said.

"Positive what are we going to do?" Astoria asked.

"Well we can't go back now." Travis pointed out.

We all nodded and we went to find the Snow Queen. We went through the mage and at the end of it we found the castle door. We entered the castle and we started searching for the Snow Queen. We finally found her at the throne room sitting on her throne. She clapped and said.

"Well done! I am impressed. I mean I could never imagine that you could find almost the hole truth in such a young age!" I don't get it, what does she mean by ' almost the whole truth'?

"Spill it out Snow Queen! Why did you bring us here?" I asked mad.

"Oh dear, I wanted you to come in my side" She said while smiling evily. I can't believe she suggested that! Like we would ever take her side.

"NEVER!!!!!" We said in union.

"Fair well" She said and she smiled. We looked at each other confused. Sundenly she attached us!

"Well it will be a shame not to try to destroy you since you are her" She said and blushed us again. Likely we were wearing our regal armour. We took out our wands and began to fight.

Author's POV

The battle lasted for a lot of minutes. Kira, Vicky and Cirys had already joined the battle. The heroes weren't losing but they weren't wining aither. Astoria thought of a plan to defeat the Snow Queen. Hawk, Travis, Joy and Lingling destructed the Snow Queen, Kira, Vicky and Cirys while Astoria and Rose trapped them in vines. The team celebrated their victory but they didn't see the Snow Queen preparing a spell. She casted it and Rose shouted:

"Hawk! Watch out!" She pushed Hawk and got hit by the spell instead of him. The blast was so strong that Rose was thrown on the wall.

"ROSE!!!!" Everyone shouted and ran ti her.

"Mother, what was that?" Kira asked. She might be evil but she had s soft spot in her heart.

"Nothing much dear. Just a simple death spell" Snow Queen said calmly.

"What! A death spell!" Kira almost yelled but the heroes couldn't hear her.

"So wicked! Now one of them is down" Vicky said with an evil smile.

"But mom! That's too extreme! Even for you!" Kira said angrily.

"Not at all Kira. Come on let's get out of her" Snow Queen said and with a blink of a finger( I hope that this is the right expression, I if not sorry but my English are not very good) they disappeared. However, the only one who felt bad was Kira. Maybe she had good inside of her.

*Meanwhile with the heroes*

"Rose!!!" Everyone shouted and ran to her. Hawk saw Rose on the ground, he kneeled and took her in his arms.

"Rose you are going to be fine, I promise" He said while tears were rolling down his cheeks. He knew thet his princess, the love of his life, was going to die in his arms but he didn't want to believe it.

"Hawk, you know that I won't be fine, right?" Rose asked with a really sweet smile on her face while holding Hawk's hand.

"Guess, before I go, I want you to remember a few things. Firstly, I I know you can fix this because this isn't the end. Fairytales always have great endings and this doesn't look like the end of our story. Also wishes do come true, you just have to believe in them." She continued with a sad smile. Everyone was about to start crying. Then Rose looked at Hawk and said:

"Hawk, I wanted to tell you for so long and I can't go without telling you..........

I love you Hawk Snow White"

She said and left her last breath in Hawk's arms.

"Is she..............?" Astoria asked, ready to tear up.

"Yes, I am afraid Rose is gone" Hawk said with tears in his eyes.

"No" Lingling said and she stated crying on Travis's shoulder.

~After a few minutes of crying~

(NOTE: Rose is still in Hawk's arms and he is still kneeling down)

"Gus, we should at least grand her last wishes" Joy said.

"Joy is right, it would be disrespectful if we don't" Lingling said while wiping her tears. Even Travis was crying. Hawk stayed quiet looking ay Rose who was still in his arms.

"But the only thing she said was that we can fix this situation and that wishes come true" Astoria said.

"But how can we fix this? Nothing overcomes death" Travis said. Hawk didn't want to join the conversation. It was to painful for him.

"I love you Hawk Snow White" This phrase was repeating in his mind and it's time it pained even more. Finally he found the courage to say:

"I might not know how to fix this but as for the wish, if they really do come true...." He stopped and took a deep breath.

"I wish that Rise could be back with us, with me" He said and he started to cry. He had lost everything.

After Hawk said his wish, a light glowed. The crew thought that the light was coming from Rose and that Hawk's wish was coming true! But to their disappointment and their surprise, it wasn't Rose, it was a small person. He was green and he was wearing arabian clothes. He smiled and said:

"Well if you wish it, it can become true"

To be continued.......................


Ok, so that's the end of this chapter. I warned you that some parts were a little depressing but you have no idea what I have in-store for you! See you all next time! 

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