Chapter 5: The rest of the family

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Astoria's POV (finally something new!)

"Astoria what does the rest of the chapters say?" Rose asked me.

"The second chapter talks about their children. It says here that with the heroes, the villans also came to life. The first fairytales tried to beat them but they failed. Then their children decided to help. They went to the Author and they asked for help. The Author gave them magic and with it they were able to defeat most of the villans." I said.

"Cool! Our ancestors were heroes!" Joy said.

"Yes, but what happened to the other villans?" Rose asked.

"It says in the next chapter that the children of our grandparents had their own families and children-" And I was interrupted again.

"Come on Astoria tell us something we don't know. Everyone will have children in some point in their lives" Travis said.

'Calm down Astoria, it's just Travis been Travis'.  I said to myself, sometimes i can't believe him!

"Travis, the point is that they are the third generation, not us and from what i read, they were pretty great to" I said with emphasizing the word 'they' so even Travis could understand.

"Why ? What did the do?" Lingling asked.

"It says here that when their parents were defeated by the villans, the kids tried to stop them with their magic but they failed. Them, they decided to ask the Author for help. He gave them a new. He gave them enchanted objects and armour to protect them in battle. With that, they defeated the villans. It also says that after their death, the objects pass from generation to generation" I said.

"So, this objects are our magical items?" Rose asked

"Exactly" I answered.

"Cool as ice! Our great great something grandparents were heroes!" Hawk said with enthusiastic.

"So what does it say about the rest?" Rose asked with the same enthusiasm. I know they were made for eachother, same energy, same confidence, same dynamism.

"The next chapter talks about a new power, ' Rainbow magic '. The next generation one day, that their parents were in a mission, they decided to take a walk in the forest, to see the magical waterfall. While they were there, they fall in the waterfall. After they got out of the water they were deferent. Their hair were colored with all the colours of the rainbow and they were wearing sparkling outfits, but the most impressive thing was the fact that they could fly! Sone they learned to control their powers and they manage to defeat a lot of villans." I finished one more chapter.

"Ooowwww!!!" Rose said.

"What happened next??? Tell us! Tell us!! Tell us!!!" Rose said and she was ready to start jumping around but Hask was able to stop her.

"Aaawwww!" We all said in union except from our love birds.

"STOP IT!!!!!" Our love birds said in union and their faces turned even red- er.

"Anyway, the rest chapters are kinda small so i will try to tell you only the important  stuff. So they basically didn't have a lot of power but they were able to create all sorts of spells. Some of them even created a new magic ' Dance magic' and it is basically dance moves and specific steps.

"SO C-" Rose was ready to scream from excitement but Hawk covered her mouth with his hand.

"Astoria please continue" Hawk said.

"Ok then. There are two more characters left. The first one is called "The cosmic ". It talks about a huge fight on Earth between the heroes and the villans. When the heroes were ready to loose the Author decided to give the new generation great power. That power was called: " Guardian power ". With that power they manage to defeat the villans. This battle may be won but they had lost the trust of the people of the Earth. People stopped trusting them and they felt that they were threatened by them. The fairytales felt threatened too, so they decided to leave. The new rulers decided to ask the Author for help. He created a land just for them. Before the rulers left, they made an orb with parts of their families magic in it. They thought that, that could keep the people safe, little did they know........" I said and i looked up to my friends.

"Little did they know what?" Travis asked confused.

"It doesn't say! It just moves  on to the next chapter" I said half confused, half disappointed. Something tells me that there is more going on and we won't be able to learn it by that book only.

"So, what does the last chapter say?" Joy asked.

"The Lords of Darkness" I said and we all gasped.

To be continued...........


So this is it for this chapter. I hope you liked it. And because i want to thank my new followers, i will give you a spoiler for the next chapter: you will see why Snow White hates Cinderella and why the Snow Queen was kicked out in the first place and also the worst nightmare of the kids will came to life. I can't wait to upload the new chapter when i finish it!

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