Chapter 7: First reactions and a very special garden

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Finally all the boring chapters are over! Sorry, I know you have lost some interest but I am back and better then ever. Here is, finally, a.......HASE chapter! So let's get back to the story.


Rose's POV

I didn't expect that for sure. Our grandparents lied to us! Why do I feel so awful inside? Is that how betrayal feels like?

"So if, and I repeat if, I understand correctly, our grandparents lied to us and all this people are our family?" Lingling asked.

"It seems so" Astoria said.

"So some of our ancestors were villans?" Hawk asked half surprised, half mad.

"It doesn't say anything like that!" Astoria replied.

"But it says that they turned their magic black!" Hawk fight back.

And here we go again! I can't believe that they ara going to argue right now! I think that I should interfere.

"Guys, it's getting really late. We should go back. We still need some rest after all" I said with a sad ton.

"Yea, let's go" Joy said she got up.

"Ok. Wait what's that?" Astoria asked and she picked up a piece of paper which looked like a piece of a map.

"I will take it and we will see what to do with it later." Astoria said and we started to walk the path again. After a while we were back in my room.

~Time skipped~

It was finally morning. We got ready and we went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Granny had it already prepared, so sat and we started eating. Granny sone realised that we weren't in the mood to do anything so she asked us what was going on.

"Kids, is everything alright?" Granny asked us.

"Yes granny, everything is fine" I answered. I didn't like the fact that I had to lie but I didn't had a choice. I finished breakfast and I said:

"Granny breakfast was great but you will have to excuse me." I walked out of the castle to the garden to calm down. When I reached a nice spot, I started singing. It always relaxes me.

When I finished, I noticed a strange willow so I walk through it. When I passed through the leafs, I realised that I was in the garden. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Then some flowers came towards me and they said:

"Welcome your majesty!"

"What majesty?" I asked confused.

"You of course!" They said

"Girls, what did we said?" A tree said. Wait trees can talk?

"You can talk?" I asked confused.

"Of course! I am one of the guardians of the garden" He said.

"I am Rose, Rose Cinderella. It's nice to meet you mister...." I just realized that I didn't know his name.

"Wize. I am the tree of wisdom"He introduce himself.

"Enough Wize, the rest of us what to introduce our selves to you know! I am Love, the tree of love. In my branches they are written magically the couples of your family but only the ones that are meant to be together for ever" Love explained.

"So cool!"I said.

"You think that's cool? Wait until you meet me! I am Maggie, the tree of magic. I hold the secrets of the magical universe!" Maggie said.

"Ouaou" I said.

"I am Floral, the tree of flowers and this is Windy, the tree of the weather, this is Perca, the tree if personality and this is Chil, the tree of childhood. We all are tye guardians  of the family garden." She explained.

"What's a family garden?" I asked.

"It's the place where all the rulers of fairytale land go when they die and they turn into animals" A snake with black and pink scales said, followed y other snakes with black and colourful scales.

"And who are you?" I asked.

"We are the Lords of Darkness" One of the snakes said.

"THE Lords of Darkness? So cool! I have so many questions." I said with enthusiasm. I can't believe that I actually meet them.

"I am Rosabella. We will answer all your questions but I need to check something first" Rosabella said and she went towards a bush. Then she almost bite something. Immediately someone came out of the bush.

"Hawk?" I asked surprised.

Hawk's POV

"Snow Whitesssssss pathetic snakes of the universe" A black and pink snake said to me. What's her problem?

"Did the viper just called me a snake?" I asked. Now all of you must be wandering how I got here. Well.......

≈ Flashback≈

Rose is walking out of the castle. I am wandering if she is okay.

"Someone should go after her. Hawk that's your signal." Astoria said.

"Ok, I'm on it" I said and ran after Rose.

After a while I found her in the garden singing. She has cush a beautiful voice. Wait, why did she stopped? Where is she going? I'd better follow her. As I passed through the leafs, I saw a beautiful garden. Rose is talking to some....... trees?

'Why is she talking to trees? Why is she talking to snakes? Well they don't seem to be a threat.' I thought. What I didn't notice was that one of the snakes approached me. It scared me and I jumped out of the bush.

≈End of flashback≈

"Hawk?!" I heard Rose calling me again.

"Hi Rose. The others send me to see if you are okay" I said.

"Oh, ok" She said. I can see that she is sad.

"Is everything alright?" I asked her.

"Yes" She said but I know that she is lying. I took her hand and we sat under a tree and I was still holding her hand without realising it.

"I know you are lying. You know you can tell me everything right?" I said and manage to smile a little. She took a deep breath and she stated explaining.

"Well, it's just that before I came here, I was tough that fairytales were just stories but now I know that everything is real and I don't want lies to be part of this world to" Rose said and looked down. I couldn't help myself so I hugged her and to my surprise, she hugged me back. I broke the hug because I had to tell her something.

"Everything will be alright. You just need to have faith. So what do you want to do?" I said with a sweat smile.

"I want to know more" She answered with confidence. That's what I love about her, she never loses her confidence not even on the hardest situations. We got up and ran to our friends.

Author's POV

Little did they know that in an other castle someone was spaying on them.

"Now that you will learn the hole truth, it will be easier for me to turn you against your families and then I can rule fairytale land for ever!!!!!Muahah!!!" A mysterious person said.

To be continued..............


And that's it for today. I hope you liked it and I advise you to remember the powers of Love( the tree), it will be useful for the future.


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