Chapter 8: A special piece of clothing

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Author's POV

Days have passed since that day. Together, the kids have decided to learn more about their past. Everyday they would sleep in a different castle and discover a new room. So far they have found weapons, spell books, potion recipes and of course more pieces of the map. Today was the day that they would stay in the last castle, Snow White castle.

Hawk's POV

"Here we are" I said while welcoming them inside my room.

"Hawk your room is so cool!" Rose said amazed.

I sighed. That beautiful smile that lights up the hole room, is truly magnificent. I wish one day it could be mine for ever. But unfortunately Travis woke me up from my dream land.

"Hawk, the girls told us that they need to go for a walk or their so called 'girl talk'. Any idea what are they talking about?" He asked.

"Nope" I said in a kinda daydreaming voice.

"Dude are you daydreaming about Rose again?" He asked about a little laugh.

"Yeah" I replied sadly.

"Dude you got it bad, you know that right?" He asked with the same little laugh.

"Yeah, I know. Just like you and Lingling." I said and he blushed, a little. Did I mention that those two are already a couple and that they are dating!

"Exactly! Since I had the courage to tell her how I feel, you can do the same with Rose" Travis said.

"Yeah right" I said under my breath.

"Why not? You are the most likable prince at school and every girl is love with you, with some exceptions." He tried to give me some courage but he failed since my bad thoughts came in the way.

"Well what if Rose belongs in the exceptions and I make a foul of my self?" I said and I truly believe it.

"Well there is only one way to find out" He said with a weird smile. Wait, I know that smile! That smile guarantees trouble.

"Travis what are you going to do?" I asked him trying to control my anger.

"Nothing much. Just going down stairs to ask Rose, in person, if she likes anybody" He said so calmy that it gets on my nerves.

"You wouldn't dare!" I said clearly angry.

"Watch me!" He said and he started running.

"Come back here Travis!" I yelled and I started chasing him.

~ Meanwhile with the girls ~

Rose's POV

Hawk seems really trapped in his thoughts lately. Maybe it's about our last findings. Poor Hawk.

"So Lingling, how is going with you and Travis?" Joy asked bringing me back to reality.

"Good. He is really sweat" Lingling said and she blushed.

"We are so happy for you! And if Travis ever tries anything foolish, we will be more than happy to teach him a lesson" Astoria said.

"Right!" Joy and I said in union.

"Thanks girls but he hasn't done anything stupid, yet" Lingling said.

"Well I think you are wrong. Look!" Astoria said and she pointed at Travis who was chased by......Hawk!

"Come back here Beast!" Hawk demanded.

"In your dreams Snow White!" Travis yelled back.

"Astoria, do you want to do the honours?" Joy asked.

"With pleaser" Astoria said and she grabbed the two boys with her hair.

"Boys we have work to do! Now move!" Astoria said furious and she put the two boys down. Hawk lead us to his room where we found the last passage.

We went into a beautiful room full of clothes! From all this things a pendent got my eye. I went closer to see it better.

"Rose don't touch that!" Astoria demanded.

"Relax Astoria, nothing will go wrong" I said calmly but I didn't realize that I had accidentally touch the pendent. Suddenly smoke came put of it.

Hawk's POV

When Rose touched the pendent, smoke came out of it. When the smoke was gone, we couldn't believe our eyes.

"We've been saying all year round that she has been acting like a three year old girl......." Astoria started.

"But now she turned into a three year old girl!" Travis said surprised. Indeed, the pendent turned Rose into a three year old girl who was running around chasing that pendent. Astoria grabbed with her hair little Rose and with her hair she grabbed the pendent really carefully.

"Hawk destruct her so we can figure out the way to cure her." Joy said

"What! Why me?" I asked. Not that I don't want to spend time with Rose, but that was not what I had in mind.

"Because you are a princess savior and not to mention why you will a close eye on her, so she won't get hurt." Travis said and I am sure that I blushed.

"Fine!" I gave in and walk towards little Rose.

"Hi little Rose. Do you want to go to the garden?" I asked nicely. She said yes and she stated jumping around. She is even cuter now that she is younger.

We said goodbye to the others and we went to the garden. I an sure that the girls were giggling and Travis was smiling.

~At the garden~

Author's POV

Hawk was sitting on a bench looking at Rose dreamily. Rose was playing with the flowers and the butterflies. Hawk sighed. He wanted to tell her how he really felt, how she always brights up his day, how she was the only princess who can make him feel capable of anything but something inside him was keeping him from confessing to her. That something was the doubts that he had. How could a perfect princess like her, like a guy like him, he thought. Little did he know that his princess felt the same way about him.

Then Travis came to destruct him from his thoughts. Travis told Hawk that Astoria had found an antidote. Hawk grabbed Rose and put her in his shoulders since she didn't want to leave. She loved the garden. When they went into his room, Hawk asked:

"So what's the antidote?"

"You will have to kiss her" Joy said smiling and Hawk blushed.

"Relax Romeo, it doesn't have to be on the lips" Astoria said. Hawk went to Rose and kiss her on her cheek. Rose blushed and she turned to her normal self. To others then explained to her what had happened.

"Great plan Astoria!" Travis whispered

"Thanks" Astoria replied.

"What plan?" Lingling asked.

"Hawk didn't had to kiss her, the spell would wear of by it self. If a member of the seven great fairytale families touch it the effects don't last for to long" Astoria said.

"Yes but why we did that?"Joy asked.

"Because those two need a push and if we don't push them I am afraid that the next push will be on fire and don't want to see none of them getting burned or heart broken." Astoria said.

"Speaking of which, Romeo and Juliet come over here please, you can kiss layer" Lingling teased them and they saw both of them blushing really hard.

"What is it Astoria?" Rose asked coming this way.

"Guess what! We found the last peace of the map!" Astoria said enthusiastic and she saw them a piece of an old paper.

To be continued.............


Guys this is it for now. I hope you liked it. See you next time!

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