Chapter 1: First day of summer

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Hi guys! This is my first book ever and I hope you like it!


Author's POV

It was the first day of summer and the last day of school. Everybody was excited about the holidays, except Rose's team. They knew that without Rose, they would spent another summer apart. But their sad faces turn happy when they saw their friend running towards them with more enthusiasm than usual.

"GUYS!!!!!!!!" Rose shouted and everyone turned their heads.

"What's up Rose?" Joy asked confused.

"I have great news!" Rose replied.

"Really?" Lingling asked.

"So what's the news?" Astoria asked.

"Guess what! I' ll stay here for a couple of months and then I' ll go to Earth for holidays with my family!" Rose said excited.

"That's awesome news!" Hawk said and his eyes shined as he knew that he could spend more time with his favorite princess - Rose -

"But aren't your parents going to worry about you?" Travis asked Rose.

"They won't. I asked my mom and she said that I'll be fine." Rose said.

"Great! So we will spend most of our summer together!" Said Lingling with enthusiasm.

"Guys what about a sleepover at my castle to celebrate the first day of summer?" Rose asked.

"Definitely!" Joy said with relief since she excited Rose to ask that.

"So, what about 7:00 pm?" Astoria asked.

"Yes, 7:00 pm is fine" Rose said.

"Can't wait!" Hawk said with a smile on his face. He literally couldn't wait to spend his summer with his favorite princess and so did she.

Rose could not wait! She was excited to pass time with her friends especially Hawk, so she went home and started to prepare the sleepover.

*Meanwhile with the boys*

Hawk's POV

'I am so happy that Rose decided to stay here! This will be the best summer EVER!' I thought and then I heard Travis's voice.

"So are you excited that Rose will stay here lover boy?" Travis teaser me.

"What makes you say that?" I asked confused.

"The fact that from the moment she told us that she was staying, you haven't stopped smiling" Travis replied.

I blushed and didn't say a word.

"So when are you going to tell her?" Travis asked.

"When the time is right" I said.

"And when will it be the right time" Travis argue.

"When I am sure" I said angrily.

"Sure? Sure of what?" Travis asked confused.

"That she feels the same way" I sight.

"Dude gust take a deep breathe and tell her when you two are alone" Travis said.

"Are you sure?"I said.

"Absolutely!" Travis said with more confidence than usual.

"OK then" I agree.

Then we went to our castels to get ready. All the time I was thinking what Travis said earlier. Maybe it was time to tell Rose how I felt the hole time and who knows maybe she liked me back. After a lot of thought I decided to tell her this summer.

To be continued............


So what do you guys think? I promise it became more exciting in the next chapters.

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