Chapter 6: The Lords of Darkness

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Author's POV

"Wait, if the 'Lords of Darkness' are in this book, then that means......" Lingling said with her voice trailing off.

"That they are part of our families?" Travis asked.

"Yes. It even say their names." Astoria said trembling.

"Why are you trembling Astoria?" Rose asked.

"Because for once in my life, i don't understand something." Astoria said half confused, half scared.

"What can't you understand?" Hawk asked.

"Their names! They are so beautiful but something tells me that they did something really really bad." Astoria said.

"Well, the only way to find out is by reading it." Joy said. Astoria cleared her throat and she stated reading.

"This chapter is about the 'Lords of Darkness'. They were: Rosabella Cinderella, Andrew Snow White, Tara Rapenseld, Sizel LeFrog, Jakop Beast, Sonieta Ironfan and Crustal Snow Queen.

One day they were studying the books of magic of their families. Andrew was staring at Rosabella all the time and Jakop was staring at Sonieta. After a few minutes, Rosabella broke the silence.

"I am so board!!!" Rosabella complaint.

"Do I need to remind you that it was your ides to learn about our families history?" Jakop asked ironical.

"Yes, but I didn't had that in mind!" Rosabella said.

"Well, then, what did you had in mind?" Sizel asked nicely.

"Emmmmmm......going on Earth to see the magical waterfall? Maybe?" Rosabella said.

"WHAT??????!!!!!!" Everyone shouted.

"Are you crazy?! You know very well that we are forbidden to go there!" Tara said obviously mad at her friend for even subjecting that.

"Yes I know! But-" Rosabella tried to say something but she was enterapted.

"But nothing! We can't go! And even if we decided to go, we can't open the portal because we do not have a key!" Tara said mad.

"Oh, do you mean a key like this one?" Rosabella said and she took out of her pocket a golden key.

"You stole a key!!!??? Are you completely insane??" Jakop shouted but likely no-one heard him.

"I prefer the world ' borrowed ' it" Rosabella said

"So you stole it" Andrew said.

"Well, technically yes, but i will give it back" Rosabella said and she managed to make a smile. Tara facepalm and then she said.

"You won't quit until we go, are you?"

"Nope!" Rosabella answered.

"Fine! But we go really quick! We get in and then out. And if our parents ground us, you are to blame! Got it?" Tara said really mad.

"Ok Tara, chill out. Everything will go just fine" Rosabella said surprisingly calm.

They went to the portal and Rosabella unlocked it. Soon they found their selves on Earth. They went into the forest to see the magical waterfall. When they arrived, they hide behind bushes and they admired the sight. Suddenly a man appears and Rosabella could nit get her eyes out of him.

"Don't even think about it!" Sonieta whispered to Rosabella.

"What are you talking about?" Rosabella asked, still whispering.

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