Mate Triumvirate

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Bones and Melissa turned out to be a rather dynamic team. She was very quick on the updated supernatural medical kit, and Bones was appreciative of that. Even if he expressed it in impatient demands and half grumbled thanks. The first person they had treated was Chris, since he was a human and did not have the supernatural healing ability that the rest of them had. Of course, there was also the issue of him having a knife in his arm, which he was lucky did not slice any of the arterial veins. The only problem was that he would most likely not be able to bend it in certain ways until the muscle where it had entered healed.

Melissa had near lost her head when she saw her son sleeping on the couch, thinking that he had been knocked out or worse... was dead. They had quickly dispelled her of the thought by slapping Scott in the head, which woke him momentarily, groaning about how he could skip school today before falling back asleep. She had been relieved at the terrible excuse.

It was a miracle that Bones had arrived when he did, because Chris had started to feel like he was going to faint like Peter, but John had managed to keep him awake with orange juice and occasionally spraying him with the kitchen sink water sprayer. The hunter hadn't been happy with it but admitted that it kept him awake.

After Bones had pulled the knife, cauterized, purified and bandaged the knife wound, he moved to John who hunched his shoulders, looking nervously at the big bag of medical equipment that the doctor had brought.

"It's just a bullet wound. I could get it fixed in the hospital." He said weakly as he tried to step back from the doctor. Chris had started to chuckle at the Sheriff's obvious anxiety, shaking his head at the still form of Peter. The werewolf was going to be so mad that he couldn't tease the Sheriff about this.

Bones' nostrils flared as he frowned at John.

"I could do a better job than any of those damn small town doctors." He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Just let me look at it to see if there's even a bullet that we need to take out or not." He rolled his eyes at John's attempts to step out of his proximity and pushed him to the kitchen counter, pulling his shirt up roughly. The bullet wound didn't look too bad. It seemed to have grazed the man enough to make an open bleed, but the bullet had gone clean through. They would just have to clean it and bandage it. Bones' eyes trailed up to John's worried eyes.

"Yep, we're gonna have to open you up. The bullet seems to have lodged into one of your abdominal muscles." Bones turned around, winking at Melissa who almost snorted at seeing how pale the Sheriff got. The doctor went to his bag and took out one of the saw he had, turning back around to John. "Now, you're going to have to stay still." He took a step closer as the other man scrambled away from him, tripping over his feet and accidently landing directly on Peter who startled awake.

The scent of fear and panic filled his nose and Peter hugged the person in front of him moving them so that the other was underneath him, Peter's body shielding the other. It took him a few seconds to push down the nausea that was rising at just the movement and another to breathe through the pain pulsing through his shoulder and side.

"Calm down, you baby." Bones sighed, rolling his eyes as he put the saw back. There were bandages in his hand when he turned back around. "I just need to clean and bandage it; the bullet just grazed you. There wasn't any need for you to go running to your mate."

"Peter is not my... mate." John sputtered, pushing at Peter's chest before he froze at seeing the other man tense in pain. He sat up, carefully getting Peter into a sitting position that didn't put any pressure on his wounds. The doctor raised an eyebrow at this, unimpressed, and John blushed.

"Listen, I have my own little triumvirate of a mateship, and I know what it looks like." Bones waved a hand at the three men and this time it was Chris who straightened with a bewildered look to Peter and John. The doctor quickly and efficiently dealt with the wound, covering it before patting John's side and standing up to tower over Peter whose eyes were half lidded and looking at him.

"And what exactly is wrong with you?" Bones put his hands on his hips. The werewolf scooted up into a sitting position, groaning at the pain in his shoulder.

"I was shot by his daughter," Peter pointed to Chris. "And then took a knife for his son." He pointed to John and leaned back against the counter. "I was the best goddamn hero in this entire thing."

"Sure, alright, let's deal with the knife wound first." Bones turned to Melissa. "Do you know how to purify a wound?"

"I kind of saw you do it? But you'll need to explain it to me the details."

"We're basically gonna spice him up with all these different powders. Supernatural creatures are sensitive to certain elements, some can be toxic and others lethal. Purifying basically means that we're gonna cancel out the effects. Don't worry; it's not that difficult. We're basically sanitizing it." He took a couple of bags that were filled with what they needed.

"It is going to hurt a little."

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