The Room Where It Happened

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          "You had a baby werefox with no control over his shift or powers running around, and now you want to tell me that you need help?" Chris scowled, frowning angrily at the werewolf standing on his doorstep. Peter crossed his arm and gave a shoulder shrug in response to Chris's question.

"That's the gist of it, Argent. Do I need to dumb it down even more for you? I know I have to do that with your daughter all the time." Peter mocked. "Also I don't even have to tell you anything. We had it under control before someone decided to kidnap him. Just get your guns and hurry up. We're catching up with the rest of the pack." At this, Peter turned on his heel and left Chris fuming on the doorstep.

By the time Peter had warmed up the engine, Chris was getting into the car, a bag of weapons thrown in the backseat.

"I regret that I ever offered to be a help to you." Chris said, leaning back into his seat. "After this, don't come crawling to me." Peter raised his eyebrows at his tone and peeled out of the driveway.

"Yeah, whatever, Christopher. Because here's the thing, the person who has kidnapped Genim is your dear sister Kate." Peter's lip curled and a small part of him was pleased at the look of shock on Chris' face. The same part that wanted to rip Chris apart for even being related to the woman who couldn't seem to leave the Hales well enough alone.

"That can't be. She's been in France, hunting down one of the ancient packs of vampires who has been controlling the Southern European supernatural world. The last I'd heard of her was last year." Chris argued.

"Well, let me think, and of course this may be a long shot, but maybe someone tipped her off that her unfinished murder spree had the possibility of being tied up rather neatly. You know, and it might just be me but I'm starting to think that your sister is a murderous bitch." Peter gave a one shouldered shrug while giving Chris a pointed look. The hunter just scowled and looked out the window like some kind of hormonal teenager.

"It's not my fault she's that way. I've already told you to stop blaming me for my family's lack of morals. I do the best I can to try and make up for what they took from you, but there's only so much I can do." Chris bit back coolly. "Also, how do you even know where you're going?"

"It's a werewolf thing." Peter stuck his tongue out. "I'm following Derek." He suddenly swerved off the road and Chris let out a yell, clutching the arms of his seat. "Oh, calm down, Chris. You know I'm a pro at driving. Dramatic." He muttered this last part under his breath as he navigated through the trees. Chris punched him in the arm and Peter chuckled, pushing the accelerator.

After the Hale House had burned down, Chris Argent had been one of the few people to believe that Kate Argent was behind the demise of the majority of the Hale Pack. So when Peter had woken up from his coma and had cornered Chris, the hunter had been humble and offered to help out Peter when he asked for it. Since then, Peter has called on him to do his laundry, let him hide in his house, help him drive out certain hunters from Beacon Hills, and take him to New York to visit the place where his nephew and niece had lived while he had been stuck in a coma. Chris was annoyed to no end with these demands but he did them nonetheless.

Chris almost sighed in relief at the sight of a road in front of them with two cars speeding ahead in front of them. A hand came from the front car and waved at them, and a string of magic flew to them, hitting Peter and Chris on the forehead. In front of them a golden string materialized.

"If your sister has laid a hand on Genim's head, I will not be held accountable for my actions." Peter promised darkly.

The cabin they stop at seems normal on the outside but all the werewolves can smell the traces of wolfsbane around the windows. There was no noise coming from inside the house, and it was putting the werewolves on edge. Merlin, Arthur, and Chris didn't seem to be as wary, although Chris was loading his gun, a hard look on his eye. Merlin had told them that his magic had been stopped by some kind of warding so they would have to find Stiles in the cabin the old fashioned method.

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