Blood on the bathroom floor

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Tom sat on his bed looking at his phone going through his gallery. He saw photos of him and tord when they used to be friends. Tom turns his phone of and puts his hands on his face. Feeling like he needed to cry but he didn't. He walked to the bathroom and locked the door.

He rummaged around the drawers until he found something he was looking for. A razor. He looks at it like it was his very best friend.
He clicks the razor and puts it in his wrist. He presses down on his skin, feeling the stinging like the blood breathes for air. Tom then moves the razor to the left of his arm. The blood comes pouring down and to the floor. Footsteps were heard on the other side of the door. Tom put the razor away,  unlocked the door and opened it fast but bumped into someone. Tom groans.

He opens his eyes and sees he's on top of Matt.

"Ah! Matt, I'm sorry... "Apologizes Tom helping his friend up. "N-no worries! As long as my face is okay, "Matt says as he got up.

"Good night Tom. "Waves Matt.

"Night, "

Tom walks back to his room and closed the door. He looks out his window as he sits on the edge of his bed. He opens the window and feels the cool air come in his room. He closes his eyes and thinks of music. He opens his eyes again and looks at the sky. Thinking about the stars makes him sad. He closes his window and takes his hoodie off to go to bed. Then he's fast asleep.

Tord's Point of view

I was about to go to sleep until I had to piss. Of course I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I opened the door and saw something red. I kneeled down and saw what it was. Blood on the bathroom floor. Who's blood would it be? Of course not Matt's. He wouldn't and obusliy not Edd.


I shake my head and close the door to whiz. I'll figure this out tomorrow.

After I jizz I went to my room and closed my eyes.

Your finally here? Took you long enough

W... O re o?

Oreo? Haha! Still can't speak in this place?

Mm... No

First words here, no? Well just stay calm and focused and you'll get used to it

Um..... W.. O are... Uo

Your getting the hang of it but I can't tell you who I am

W... Y?

We're soulmates and I don't even know if you recognized my voice


But we can communicate with eachother in different ways.


Its almost time for us to leave this place, it really calming here isn't it?


Mabye we'll meet eachother unless one of us cuts the string don't you think?

The figure shows it pinky tied with a red string. I look at where the string leads and it goes to my pinky.

See u later, bye

I wake up. Who was that?

I get up and put on a new pair of jeans and a plain white shirt. The I put my hoodie on. I get out of my room and walk to the kitchen.

"Morning Tord, "says edd as he takes a spoonful of ceral.

"Morning, "

I hear running footsteps and see Matt carrying Tom.

Why do I feel so weird.

Tom cuddles Matt like if he was a branch and Tom is a koala.

How can a string become to a tie?

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