"Aren't your parents going to wonder where we are?" Maddie runs her fingers through her hair in panic.

"Shit," I get out of bed, pulling her up with me, as we scramble to put on our clothing.

Maddie's POV

Luke opens the back door of his house, leading me into the kitchen where the smell of pancakes and bacon makes me realize how hungry I actually am.

"Good morning darlings, where have you been this early?" Liz greets us both with a kiss on the cheek. I glance at Luke, eyes widening.

"Um, we just went for a morning walk, you know we needed some fresh air," Luke shrugs. Liz buys his story easily.

"Yeah, I'm sure they got plenty of exercise," two familiar laughs came from the kitchen table.

"Shut up Calum," Luke waits until Liz turns away to give Calum the finger. Calum and Michael were raising their eyebrows at us, eating their breakfasts.

"Why are you guys even here?" I mutter, my face red, as Luke and I join them at the table.

"We are leaving for our first interview in like twenty minutes," Michael rolls his eyes, stuffing half a pancake in his mouth.

"Shit, I forgot," Luke jumps from the table, slipping out of my grip.

"Language Lucas," Liz mutters from the stove.

"Sorry mum," Luke yells from halfway down the hall, running to his room to get ready.

Calum leans closer to me, Michael soon joining.

"So, how loud were you screaming last night?" Calum chuckles, his voice low enough so Liz couldn't hear. He eyes up my complexion, probably an expert at 'the morning after' looks.

"She probably didn't, I bet Luke is a sissy in bed," Michael laughs, both of them staring at me with utter curiosity.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I mumble, stealing a piece of Michael's toast and taking a bite.

Calum raises his eyebrows, poking at a purple mark on my neck.

"Ow!" I yell, swatting his hand away. I quickly cover the mark with my hair. The boys burst into laughter.

"On a scale of one to ten how big is Luke?" Michael leans forward.

"Oh my god, shut up," I kick Michael under the table. He groans, sticking his tongue out at me.

Liz walks over to the table, placing a plate of food in front of me.

"Are you going to come to the interview darling?" Liz asks as she fills my cup with orange juice.

"I don't know, should I?" I look at Calum and Mikey.

"Come or else we won't get to see you until after the gig tonight!" Mikey whines.

"Okay, I'll come," I laugh as the front door opens, Ashton's good morning giggles filling the small house.

"That's what she said to Luke last night," Calum chuckles in Michael's ear, the two boys high-fiving.


"Is that your natural color?" I look up at Michael as the boys wait for the interview to begin.

"Yeah, I've felt a lot like myself lately, so you know I went natural," Michael giggles, flicking his hair like a model.

"It looks good," I pat him on the head as the interviewer walks in.

"Good luck boys, don't be idiots," I give Luke a kiss on the cheek, waving good luck to the others.

"No promises," Calum shouts back as I run off.

The interviewer shows them where to sit, talking some things over with them. I sat next to Liz, Luke smiling over at us every few minutes.

It took them a good five minutes just to plan out how to say hello. So much for not being idiots.

"Hi (Hey) we're 5 Seconds of Summer-"

The boys burst out laughing, pushing Ashton. I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Is it hi or is it hey?" Ashton giggles, raising his arms innocently. He glances over at me, face filled with giggles.

The interview went on, and I quickly realized that these boys didn't know what the word serious meant. Maybe that is what made me love them so much. The room was filled with their laughter, and now mine. They seemed to be talking about balls a lot.

"Is it okay to date your friends ex?" The interviewer leans forward on his elbows, a smirk playing on his face.

All of the boys turned to Luke, who was staring at me shyly. Michael stayed quiet for a moment.

"No, no, no, of course not," Calum giggles guiltily. He tugs on the sides of his sweater, glancing at Luke.

"That's a big no," Ashton raises his eyebrows at Michael and Calum. Michael laughed half-heartedly, staying quiet for the most part. Calum took his guilt out with a series of giggles and high pitched 'no's.

"I hate people like that," Calum laughs at the floor. I had to cover my mouth to contain my laughter. "I could not hang around such a person."

I bit my lip, Luke staring at me to avoid the other boy's gazes. I just giggled at him, glad we could all laugh about this now. We could all laugh about the days Michael tried to steal me from Luke, the night Calum and I hooked up after Luke and I broke up. All of these moments that at the time had felt like there was no way out, no way to forgiveness, were all just a part of our story now. They were just laughable memories.

The days where we all felt lost in the darkness, the days where we all felt like betrayal was a daily occurrence, those days have been lost in the new memories, lost in the new days of light. Storms come and go, they leave a little damage, but everything can be repaired, cities can be rebuilt.

Liz looks at me questioningly, but I avoid her gaze.

"Can men and women ever just be friends?" The interviewer smirks again, feeling a good answer coming. The boys quickly glance at Ashton before answering the question.

"They can't," Calum states plainly, his arms crossed. Luke stays silent, staring at Ashton until he speaks.

"I'll be the mature band member," Ashton lowers his voice, but Calum cuts him off.

"It always happens," Calum stares right at Ashton. "Always."

Ashton's face turns to a scowl and all three boys stare right at him.

"Always," Luke raises his eyebrows, staring directly at Ashton. Ashton glares at all of the boys, hiding his nervousness with giggles, making them all laugh. They all glance at me, giving me a wave, before turning back to the interviewer.

"That was odd," I chuckle.

"Maybe not that odd," Liz pats my head. I look up at her confused, but her eyes were on the boys.

A few minutes later they were hopping down from the little stage, running over to me.

"How'd we do?" Ashton grabs my shoulders, making me jump.

"You were idiots," I laughed. "But it was cute."

"Luke was blushing a lot," Michael gives Luke a little push.

"You all did great," the interviewer walks over, shaking each of their hands. "You are quite the talkative bunch. Good luck at your first gig of the tour tonight!"

As if turned out they weren't the ones who needed the luck...

If you watched that interview and you didn't laugh or cry then you are lying. It fit the story so well tho.

So yah gig time aka drama time, mwhaha writing it now(;

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