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Yoon Gi and Jisoo were setting up two picnic mats unto the grass.

They were in the park deciding to have a picnic for Jin's birthday celebration.

"I think this is enough for now now." Yoon Gi said

"Thank you jagi. Without you, we wouldn't be able to prepare anything for my brother's birthday." Jisoo smiled at him.

"No problem my Jichoo...Oh, there they are."

Lisa and Taehyung finally arrived with baskets full of foods on both of their hands.

"Unnie!! Oppa!!!" Lisa excitedly ran towards them with Taehyung following after her.

They now started setting up everything.

"How many guests did we invite?" Jisoo asked them.

"Good question. We actually lack two guests." Yoon Gi replied

"Ah jinja? Wait let me find ways." Lisa took out her phone.

Then she bit her lip as she pressed unto the contact.


Nam Joon was on the bed with Rosé lying on his arms.

"I'm so lucky to have you my chipmunk girl" He smiled as he caressed Rosé's head.

"Me too Joonie, I still can't believe that I'm dating someone like you." Rosé replied.

Suddenly, Nam Joon's phone rang and he took it on the bedside table, answering it.

This time, he and Rosé sat up


"Nam Joon."


"Yes it's me. You see, my friend Jisoo unnie.. her brother is going to celebrate his birthday today here in Minhun park and we lack two guests. Could you perhaps fill in? do you have any friend with you or what."

"Count me in."

"Thank you Nam Joon."

Then the phone call ended.

I'm so happy now. I finally moved on from her and I don't feel any spark anymore....He thought.

"Who was that?" Rosé asked

"You better change now baby girl. Someone just invited us to a birthday party."




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