Whats going on?

Start bij het begin

"That's what her scent was, you can smell it very easily." Liam said, making Stiles look at him.

"Vampires have a scent?" He asked.

"Wait. What is Artemis even doing with a vampire? Does she know that Rose is a vampire?" Lydia questioned ignoring Stiles's question.

"We don't know, maybe. But let's hope that it won't cause trouble." Scott said.

"Okay, we'll deal with that later, but now we have to find out what happened to Artemis when she disappeared, and if she remembers anything." Allison said with determination in her voice. Everyone nodded.

"Wait. One more thing." Stiles said. Everyone looked at him. "Do werewolves really hate vampires like in movies and the Twilight stuff?" Allison and Liam just shook their heads. Malia and Lydia looked at him weirdly. While Scott just shrugged.

"I guess. I don't know, I haven't really met a vampire before, but hey we live in Beacon Hills right? Anything could happen." Scott said with a small shrug.

**Stiles's POV**

First day of senior year and already something supernatural happens. I can't have one year where no supernatural creatures come after us. But then again, I do live in Beacon Hills, so that can't be avoided. Oh well, but Artemis is back!

I thought I would never see her again! I was so heart broken when I heard she disappeared. I need to apologize to her for what I did and for hurting her. Not only did I lose my girlfriend that night, but I also lost my best friend.

Throughout the whole day I have tried to get her attention, just so that I could explain to her what happened, but all I got was silence and a death glares. I know I deserved every single one, but something is off about Artemis. When I was around her I would get this weird feeling telling me something was wrong with Artemis, as if it wasn't really her, but at the same time she was.

She wouldn't just completely ignore me, I know that she would have at least let me explain. Also the one thing that threw me off a bit was that she was friends with a vampire? I mean why would she be friends with a vampire? Of course she is friends with a werewolf, a banshee, a kitsune, and is related to a hunter, but a vampire really?! They're already dead.

"Stiles!" I heard someone say, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked and saw everyone had left. I turned my head to see who called me, it was Malia.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked me with annoyance in her voice. I shook my head. She sighed.

"I said if you wanted, we could maybe, go see a movie tomorrow?" She asked me. I smiled.

"Sure, that would be nice." I said. She smiled, then kissed my cheek.

"Okay then, Come on we have to go to Derek's." she said to me, then walked off. I sighed. What am I going to do?

**Artemis's POV**

"You know you can't get close to them Artemis, none of them." Rose said sternly. I looked at her with an uninterested look and nodded my head. "I mean it Art, you may hate them, but I know that you care about them, even if it is the slightest bit."

"I know Rose. Geez you think I would even come here and be all happy and friendly with them?" I scoffed. "Never in a million years would I ever, they are low bottom feeders who think that they can stop any supernatural thing that comes their way. Besides I won't be the one to get close to them at all, trust me, but you know who will." I said going up the stairs and walking towards the end of the hallway, reaching her door. Rose followed and I smirked.

"Yeah I know, but we can't use her right now, it's too soon. Maybe until later, if they start catching up on what we're up to." she said looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I know the plan Rose." I said annoyed.

"Fine, I'm just saying. Oh and one last thing, don't let that Stilinski kid, get to you."

"What do you mean by that?" I turning around and looking at her with a glare.

"You know what I mean Artemis. Yes you are different from what you were back then, but you still may have feelings for him, besides the fact of what happened between you and him." Rose said crossing her arms.

"I can guarantee you that I don't have romantic feelings for him. My feelings for him are the opposite actually." I stated.

"Yeah I wasn't talking about you." Rose said moving her eyes to the door behind me. I turned around and opened the door.

"Yeah she knows that getting close to that Stilinski guy will just hurt her even more, especially knowing that he is with that coyote chick now." I said going into her bedroom. "You know it did saddened me with what he did that night, but after time it quickly turned into anger. And then I thought about it and realized that if it wasn't for him then we wouldn't be here." I smirked evilly while going to sit down on her bed. I could tell that she was pretending to be asleep and that she could hear everything we said.

"Yeah that is true. I like you better because you're a lot more helpful, stronger, more confident, and an evil mastermind." Rose said following me. "And not someone who is a weak, shy, talentless, little girl." she continued but directing the last part to the girl "sleeping" on the bed.

"Okay enough with the teasing Rose, it hurts her feelings and you know that, currently, whatever affects her, affects me!" I defended her against Rose almost growling. She sprouted her fangs and hissed at me. She tried to get a reaction out of me but I didn't move once. She then laughed.

"Fine whatever, do what you want, either way I'm going to go out, my throat is burning dry and there are something out their calling me." she said while rubbing her throat. I rolled my eyes at her usual behavior.

"Alright, just don't bring any random dudes back." she glared at me and then left. I sighed. I slightly turned and looked down at her. I moved a piece of her hair away from her face.

"I'm guessing you now the plan by now right?" I quietly asked her. She nodded her head. "You know it is embarrassing hanging out with you if you're always shy and quiet right?" She nodded her head again. I sighed. She sat up. "You will have to get over your fears to make this plan work, you hear me or else we both go down." I looked her in the eyes, but then she looked away.

"Y-yes I know." was all she said before putting her head down and closing her eyes. I sighed. I got up and walked away from her room, to my room.

Sometimes it was hard working with her because of her social awkwardness, sympathetic, sunshine personality. It was not fair that she had gotten these traits, because having those traits in the place we were in, no one would ever want to work with you. But technically we didn't have a choice to pick which got which trait.

I know that, that girl is going to mess up this plan somehow, but we need her.

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