"So are you gonna go and see your friends to tell them your here?" I heard Rose ask, ending the silence. I sighed.

"Uh, let me think about it...No." I said pretending to think about it. I heard her chuckle

"And why not? I thought you'd be excited to finally come back." I heard her say with an amused tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Because they are no longer my friends and they don't need to be notified of my existence, since they didn't even bother looking for me." I said grittily through my teeth.

"Okay. No need to get mad. So what about your cousin, Alderson?"

"Allison." I corrected her.

"Yes yes, her. What about her?"

"She's dead." I monotonously. I am trying my very best not to get mad at her because she knows I don't like talking about my family.

"Oh. I'm sorry. You never told me." she said with a guilty tone.

"You never asked." I simply stated, hoping she would change the subject. I really did not like talking about my cousin because it pained me too much to remember the fun, crazy, adventurous moments I had with her, and then remember she's dead.

"I'm going to unpack. Go do whatever you do." I told her coldly, while getting up from the couch and walking upstairs. I went into the room Rose said was mine and started to unpacked my stuff.

After a couple hours of organizing and moving furniture, I finished decorating my room. It looked practically decent. I went into my closet and looked for my clothes for tomorrow. The first day of senior year at Beacon Hills high school, where all the drama of supernatural things started.

After I finished picking out my clothing, I went back downstairs and walked into the kitchen. On the counter I saw a box of pizza sitting there, I opened it and grabbed a few slices. I think Rose went and got some pizza, and then left to do what she does. I went back into my room, ate the pizza, while studying from a book. After that I went back downstairs, reheated a few more slices of pizza and grabbed a soda can from the fridge. I took the plate of pizza and can upstairs and headed towards the end of the hallway. I stood at the door and put the food down on the floor. I then knocked on the door and soon turned back around to head to my room. I searched for my pajamas and went to take a shower, after that I quickly went to sleep.

----*The Next Morning*----

I heard the alarm on my phone go off, telling me that it was time to wake up. I groaned, rolling onto my stomach and putting a pillow over my head to block out the annoying sound. Sometimes I really wish I could throw my phone against the wall, but I need my phone. I sighed. I turned around and turned off the alarm. I then got out of my bed and changed into the clothes I picked out last night. I went into the bathroom and did my hair as makeup. After I finished with that I went to the end of the hallway and reached the door from yesterday. I bent down to pick up the now empty plate and empty soda can. I went downstairs and put the plate in the sink and the can in the trash.

I saw that Rose was down here already dressed and ready to go. We ate breakfast and then got into my car.

When we arrived at school, a lot of students were starring and admiring my car. I smirked, I always kept my car clean and spotless. I looked at Rose and we smiled wickedly at each other before we put on our sunglasses. We stepped out of the car and walked into the school.

As we entered we heard some whistling and cat calls being made from guys and some jealous glares from the girls. I smirked, no one has yet realized that it's me. We walked straight into the office.

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