Chapter Seven

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Red blood stained my hands and I couldn't stop my body from shaking violently, watching the life in you fade with each second. I screamed at you, I screamed how much I had done for you. Why couldn't you love me? Why?

The only person that I thought was my friend betrayed me.

I couldn't see your pretty face anymore, it made me feel worthless. My wobbling legs carried me out of the basement as I struggled to breathe. I collapsed on the couch, wailing loudly that I was hurting. My head was throbbing and I didn't know who I was anymore without you.

The distant sound of the sirens approaching rang in my ears, the lights flashing outside my house. The police was here. I curled up into a small ball, tears not stopping and for the thousandth time, I hated myself for being weak.

"Liam, my poor darling," Mother said woefully as she appeared in the living room. "I'm here for you my boy, I love you. Mother will always love you."

There was a sudden banging on the door. "Open right now or we'll be forced to break down the door!"

"I-I didn't mean for all this-this to happen," I cried out and mother gathered me in her arms. "I had given everything to her. Why didn't she love me mother? Why does no one love me?"

"They don't know you like I do." She stroked my cheeks, rocking me back and forth. "They're liars, cheaters- they're bad people. They deserve to be punished."

I nodded faintly as she cradled me in her arms. Mother was right, she was always right. You were a liar Bella, a bad person. You deserved to die.

The door flung open and with the gust of wind, came men and women dressed in neat uniforms. They separated mother and I as I thrashed in their arms, bawling in rage. They were taking mother away, the only person who ever loved me . . .

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