Chapter Five

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You were bounded to a chair, your hands and legs tied with thick ropes. You were gagged with mother's blue scarf and your wide eyes desperately searched the love in mine. I crouched in front of you, breathing heavily. My hands trembled as I removed the scarf and let you relax.

"I missed you," I whispered fervently and your head hung low, your long hair covering your beautiful face. I brushed your disheveled hair back lovingly. "You're safe now, I'm here . . . I found you Bella, I finally found you!"

You nodded mutely, too weak to speak.

The confusion within me kept on growing as each second passed by. "Why are you here?"

You feebly pointed at the scarf. Mother. My hands balled into fists and the confusion within me was making a gaping hole. I shook my head frantically. "No, no, no! You're wrong! Mother would have never hurt you. Mother hurts no one!"

"Please," you seemed to say and tried to move your tied hands. "Please . . . "

I felt myself calm down a little hearing your soft voice. "Okay, I'll go get a knife from the kitchen."

Your slender fingers suddenly gripped my sleeve and fresh tears welled up in your pretty eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. I promise," I assured you, glad that you needed me just the way I needed you. "I'll be quick."

Your hold loosened and I smiled, giving you a chaste kiss. "Go," you mumbled against my lips and I nodded. It took some efforts to leave you there and run to the kitchen.

I found you, I found you Bella!

I grabbed a sharp knife from the drawer and hurried back to the basement. My heart pounded so loudly that all I could hear was the beating of it. You always made my heart do these weird things, lovely things.

I heard noises as I approached the door and you were moving hysterically on the chair. The hole of confusion within me now felt empty like it had sucked my thoughts in. Consumed me entirely. All I could see in my head was the deepest shade of black.

"My sweet boy Liam," mother said dotingly and I felt my body getting stiff. "How many times I have told you to not disobey your dear mother?"

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