Chapter 23

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You coughed hard on the black vile that your tank seemed to have an indefinite supply of. You struggled to bring in air to vent through your systems. You were crying, but it did nothing to help this situation, not within the cold confines of this pit. You gasped a sharp intake of breath when the fluid finally seemed to stop production in your tank. 

You let your chassis slump against the ground, with a great effort you pushed yourself onto your side in an attempt to keep your vent way clear. You glanced up towards where you knew the two way mirror was your one working optic scanning to try and see anything behind it. You knew the autobots where there, watching you suffer, just watching and testing for who knows what. 

You never did this! You never did anything like this! But you knew enough that they believed it was a cruel sense of karma for being on the wrong side of this pit-bound war.

":Come collect Subject: 0003576.:"

Heh, they've demoted you to a number, how fitting. 

You struggled for a moment wanting to sit up, but your limbs failed you. So you just laid there limp on the ground vents struggling to take in air to filter it through your systems. You heard the testing doors open and you didn't make any attempt to move as two bots heaved you up by the arms. You just remained limp helm lulling to the side chassis heaving to take in air.

You just let them drag you away your newly formed pedes twitching a little as they snagged on the hastily put together metal paneled floor. You studied either of the guards your cracked optic wrapped in overly loose bandages. You panted softly as you were drug to the all too familiar cell. You put up a little protest about going in the dull grey cell, it didn't take much to put that protest down.

You smacked against the cold floor with a soft grunt. You heard the cell door close and you sighed softly to yourself shakily pushing yourself off your front and over onto your back struts. You studied the all too familiar ceiling of this cell your optic dim. You rubbed over your throat pipes and managed to force a soft painful squeak from the highly damaged vocoder. You swallowed and sighed.

You closed your optic and allowed yourself to get lost in the sweet memories that had been sharply cut short when you were captured. You let a small smile slide onto your derma a warm feeling settling over your spark when you thought about it, but then the feeling soon stopped realizing that will never happen again. 

That loved feeling, that feeling of not being alone anymore. You'd never have that again. 

You sighed softly at the thought and tried to tone out the negative reality of your situation and tried to let yourself get lost in the fantasy of it all. 

Even just for a moment. 


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