Chapter 12

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You hummed in a bored tone playing with the small organic between your digits. You watched as his face grew a dark red from being held upside down by a pede. You laughed and threw him into the air and caught him in your palm.

"S-stop please!" He cried stumbling over himself

"Why should.. I Sumdac? I'm the... one in... charge of... You." You laughed

"(Y/n)." You heard Megatron speak in a low tone, "Please return the organic back to work. Space Bridge is priority."

"Of course... Lord megatron." You spoke softly replacing the organic to his work station, "You got... lucky." You added in a hushed tone

"(Y/n), what is the status on the control over the Autobot?" Megatron asked glowering down at you

"Status on... the autobot.... is unconclusive... do to.... the fact... I have... yet to-" You yelped when he pressed a large digit against your vocalizer, "My lord?"

"I want a straight answer, and speaking two words at a time isn't quite annoying." He said

"I-um, Of course my lord. It's inconclusive due to the fact that I have yet had the ability to capture and check over his implanted virus-" he interrupted you again

"And why is that?" Megatron asked his red optics glittering menacly into yours

"Well- My lord- that would be because he has yet to come into any view where our trackers can locate him." You spoke keeping the waver from your voice

"And you have no ability to access the virus wirelessly?" He asked leaning his helm down toward yours his thumb pressing hard into your vocalizer

You refused to be daughted, "No My lord. My technology has been severely limited, just like our problem here, and do to this.. setback I have been unable to check on the virus's progress."

He wrapped his servo around your neck, testing your fearlessness, his digits held firm against the cables.

"I see. We need to grab any advantage we can." His grip tightened ever so slightly

"Yes, of course my lord." You stated meeting his heavy gaze, "I wouldn't want to disappoint you."

He grunted, "Good, now, do you know of any other advantages we can use?"

You stared into his optics your audio fins turning low. He stared back his faceplate relaxing. You watched as a tint of blue swiped across his far off gaze.

You blinked.

He shook his helm slightly looking at either side confused.

"No advantages that I can think of My liege." You stated, "am I dissmissed?"

"Yeah... yes. You are dismissed." He spoke his servo going limp

With that you hurried out.


"I am.... a stupid... crazy glitch!" You shouted pacing about blitzwings room

"vhy vould you do dat my little flower?" Icy

"I don't... know! I... panicked!" You shouted gripping at your audio fins

"Und you banicked zo padly zan you but ein firus in our leaders helm... AHAHAHAHA! Und I zought I vas crasy!" The bot cackled

You shot him a sharp glare, "I'd like... to see... how you... would react.... if you... were my.... size and.... megatron had.... his servo... around your... throat pipes!"


"No you... wouldn't." You stated narrowing your optics


You simply raised your brows at him in reply, knowing he already knew the answer to his own question.

"Ja.... you're right, I vouldn't..." Icy replied after a few brief kliks

"That's what... I thought... now the.... virus doesn't... go into... effect unless... I activate... it, so... I should... be alright... correct?" You asked rhetorically

You watched the mechs faces spin.

"Don't answer... that, please." You said

His faces stopped at random you was quick to pull you into his arms and cuddle you close. His large servo stroked over the back of your helm.

He purred happily and nuzzled you over and over. You were slightly confused, but this was Random... sooo.. yeah.

Nap time you guess.

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