Chapter 3

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You hummed at the familiar jet over helm as you barreled down the road. You whipped down a side road and soon enough you has to skid to a stop to avoid colliding with the Mech that landed in front of you. 

Growling you transformed rolling your shoulder plate. 

"Screamer." You spoke narrowing your optics 

"Well at least you remember who I am." The purple-pink Mech muttered, "Ah, Yes (y/n) nice to see you out of the Stockades." 

You rolled your optics, "You were... glad I... was in... there not... to take... your pristine... little spot.... as second... command." You spoke placing a servo on your hip 

"Well I see the Autobots got sick of you talking... and of your old look." Starscream spoke taking a long drag with his optics up and down your frame 

You growled and pressed a few digits to your vocalizer, "I see your still as tasteless as ever." You spoke inspecting him yourself, "At least my look has personality, yours just says 'Look at me I'm a pretty little seeker commiting acts of cowardice then blaming it on other bots!'" 

"Well at least I am pretty." He retorted with a grin 

You growled dangerously, to which he ignored. 

"Any who, with Megatron vanquished I, Starscream now Lead the decpicons!" He spoke loudly jabbing a digit into the center of your chasssis into the symbol branded there, "Now if this is correct and you haven't lost your core processing unit, that means you obey, me." 

"And What.. if I.. don't?" You asked narrowing your optics at him 

"Ok then, get captured by the Autobots and thrown back into the stockades where you can spend the rest of your miserable onlining rusting away." 

'Ugh the dramatic theatrics of this guy.' 

"Fine then... where's the... rest of... them?" 



You grumbled at the large Mech crossing your arms tighter over yourself. 

'Oh what I would give to hear that sweet screams of pain of the bots back at the lab.'  You scoffed at the thought that sucker was probably dismantled and burned down after all these years. 

You crossed your stabilizers pede-pass twicthing in irritation. You've been listening to Lugnut ramble on and on about how Lord Megatron is taking to him and Lord Megatron this And  Lord Megatron  That. 

'Ugh I hate to say this but hurry back Starscream.' You glowered audio fins low to your helm 

Of course this cave only made it seem like the large Mech was louder than he actually is and it's driving you moRE INSANE! 

You pulled your stabilizers up with you in the ledge you were sitting in. You settled them beneath you pedes pressing into the ground. You placed a servo down on the ground and got ready to pounce. 

You were stopped before you could get your glorious silence by the sound of two jet engines. 

'Ah finally.' You thought sitting correctly 

You spotted Starscream waltz in with you rolled your optics at then the next bot in made your spark leap. Your optics widened slightly your audio fins perked. You're processor alive as you saw your old friend. You quickly smoothed those feelings making your spark swell. 

'Huh, you would think millennia of mental torture would have killed everything you feel, Well I gUESS NOT!' 

'Oh shut up me.' 

'You love me~ don't lie~ I make your world more fun~' 

You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard the call of your designation from the Mech. 

"(Y/n)!" The Mech designated as "Random" shouted running towards your safe ledge, "I dought you offlined eons ahgo!" he shouted happily 

"Pfft. You... have zero... faith." You spoke coldly at the Mech 

Blitzwing, not doughted by your cruel tone only switched faces as he pulled you from your ledge.

"vhat did dey do to your beautiful face!? und your focalizer!? who ahre dey!? i vill rip off deir limps und force dem to eat dem!" You watched the red-faced Mech spew annoyed with yourself for not letting yourself get captured again

"no vun hurts der pretty little flower und gets ahway vit it! not on my vatch!" He held you protectively close to his chassis 

You sighed exasperatedly into the triple-changers chassis.


Finally you were placed on your pedes Blitzwing holding your face in his servo as you stared back at the final persona, 'Icy'.

"darling, ahre you ahlright? is dere ahnything i can do to help you?" he spoke softly stroking gently the bottom half of the scar on your cheek plate with a thumb 

It took all you had in you not to nuzzle into his touch and to remain emotionless. 

"I'm fine... no thanks... to you..." You snarled wrenching yourself from his grip and walking down one of the tunnels 

He sat there sparkbroken for a moment before Hothead snapped sharply at the other two bots in the room. 

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