Chapter 14

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Optimus pov


I blinked in shock at the new head of Sumdac Industries claiming that one of my bots attacked him. 

"Mr. Powell.. that is absolutely ridiculous." I stammered, "All of my autobots were here and accounted for.." 

"Well maybe one of them snuck out under your giant robotic chin!" The organic shouted angrily 

"Look Mr. Powell, I can personally assure you that none of my autobots would ever steal your robotics and hang you on the flag pole." Even if we may want to. I managed to hold my glossa for the last part that i wanted to buy oh-so-badly

He huffed his face angrily red. I hid a vent of relief when Fanzone approached going through some notes. 

The organic hummed, "Well Powell, it does look like a machine came in and took what they wanted givin' the damages to the loading dock door and the mechanical arms." 

Powell smirked, "Well if that's the case then I should recommend to the mayor that-" 

"We still hav' no proof that it was one of Prime's mechcanical friends. We're going through the security footage now." Fanzone cut him off 

"Prime, get over here." I looked towards Ratchet's voice thankful for the distraction 

I approached glancing at the monitor running through security footage. Ratchet tapped the organic who was running through it he slowed the footage down to a normal speed right as a weak blue glow showed through the loading dock door. 

There was a sharp zap and the glow faded sharply. It only took a few kliks for digits to appear under the door with a couple tubs and a loud snap and the door slid up allowing who ever was behind in. 

I stared as the femme stepped in. She glances around his audio fins tilting in towards the still moving assembly line. Her optics met with the cam and she posed for a few brief kliks. Then grinned walking away. 

I looked at ratchet optics widening, "Is it her?"

He nodded quickly, "Where is Bumblebee?" 

I straightened little about to go, only to be stopped by Fanzone and Powell.

"See! It is one of those awful machines!" Powell shouted loudly, "He's targeting me and sending bots to attack and mess up my company!" 

"Now, Fanzone, that is not one of my bots." I said in a low voice, "The opposite side of my bots that's for sure. Now, I really must be-"

"No! You are going to remain until all the damages are are paid for or replaced!" Powell yelled angrily, "Then I am going to get you and your machine menace removed from this city!"

I looked at Ratchet willing him to go find Bumblebee, to which he did transform and drive off to find the yellow mech. 


2nd pov


"What are you planning to do with bumblebee?" Sumdac asked again 

You looked over at him with a glare, "Aren't you... supposed to... be designing... the spacebridge?" 

He flinched a little at your tone glancing away for a moment.  You looked back to your work.

"If it'll... settle your... pathetic organic... processing unit..." You could feel Sumdac's on you,  "I am.. just going... to check... up on.. the virus... I implanted... in his... simple processor. Blitzwing should.... be here... any klik... now. With... my little.. toy."

You looked towards the door when you heard a noise, it turned out to be nothing. You went back to editing the "borrowed". They were almost ready, they would have been ready faster if it wasn't for your constant trembles that refused to leave.

"What... What does the virus do?" Sumdac suddenly asked 

"It will... give me... full control.... of your... little yellow... friend." You stated casually lifting a new tool up and inspecting it 

"Why are you doing this?" 

This caused you to pause.


You haven't heard that question in years, You yourself haven't asked yourself that much either.


Why were you doing this?


Why is this the life you chose?


Why is this where you found yourself? A brilliant processor surgeon and psychologist, Why are you here? A backwater throw away organic planet, unable to function properly instead of where you belong?

Head of Psycology and processor function studies. Your supposed to have your own corner office and lab to work in. You were supposed to be well respected and live your life in a large habsutie in Iacon with a gradious view. 

So why were you here? 

Farther than what your supposed to be. 


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