Chapter 11

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"Patient 437 has... passed today." You spoke into the camera, "I thought her processor systems were stable, only she suddenly had a lasp of wave activity, and offlined in the early morning hours." 

You stroked over the modified bots helm. It wasn't hard to drag your smallest prefect pack member here, just emotionally hard. 

"I will scan over the others to hopefully prevent this mistake again." You stated again, "And run over the compliable soilders systems as well." 

You shut off the camera and sighed softly gripping the former Autobot femme by her horns. You drug her limp form over to the examination table with a grunt and hoisted her onto it. 


"(y/n)? i ahm back from patrol! i need to shtart my reports! vhere ahre you, you little femme, vhere ahre you hiding?" you heard Icy call from the hall

"Where do you think I am!?" You shouted in reply inspecting the fired inner workings of the femmes processor 

Icy popped his helm in the door with a small smile, "dere you ahre my darling little flower." 

You smiled at the name, "Hi Blitzy." You spoke tanking out the motherboard of the bot 

He was about to speak again when an alarm rippled through the facility sending bright red flashing lights on. The whole facility rumbled and shook sending the small light items on your desks trembling to the floor. 

You scrambled over to your consoles and quickly brought up outside security cams. You swallowed hard. 


"VHAT!?" Random screeched optics wide as he leaned towards the screen, "inconceifable! i just returned from patrol! dat autobot shcum!" Hothead hissed loudly 

The facility rumbled again signaling another hit. You scrambled under the console and pulled out a small flash drive and shoved it into his servos.

"That holds all of my research from my years here, I want you to keep this with you." You explained, "We must evacuate."

"no! dere is no honor in running ahway!" hothead growled 

You yanked his helm down to face your own, " Blitzwing! Even if we could fight them off, they know the location of the facility! We need to go!" 

Before he could respond a screen blared and flashed bright red you scrambled to it wide opticed. 

"They're prying the door." You spoke, "We have to go NOW." You spoke sweeping over to a different console

"vhat ahre you doing?" Icy asked 

"Buying us some time." You stated pressing a final key 

The lights flashed to blue and you ran to a different console. You began the memory wipe and bolted out the exam room passed Blitzwing. 

"COME ON!" You shouted booting down the hall 

You could hear the doors of the containment cells sliding up. You bolted through the area getting many screeches and claws thrown at you you ducked from the servos swung at you by the minimum processor activity monsters. You whipped down the all towards the back enterance.

Skidding slightly you stumbled staring at the Autobots at the end of the hall. You turned and started running again ignoring the shouts of the autobots. 

You turned sharply down a side hall venting hard. You looked behind you swallowing hard at the autobots following you, the gun fire you also heard didn't help with your neveres.

You vented and skidded to a stop at the pack ring. You pressed your servo to the cold metal you closed your optics. A blue light formed beneath your digits. 

It clicked and began to open and as soon as there's was enough space you scrambled under it and into the ring. 

You jumped at the large puff of air from behind you as you stood up. You looked to your prefect preadotor his handsome helm tilted at you.

You rubbed his jaw and stroked over one of the helm of one smaller ones. You watched the door optics narrowed as it clicked all the way open. You could hear their pedesteps drawing nearer. 

The first Autobot rushed in the gun he gripped lowered as he spotted your prefect pack. The other three followed him with just as shocked reactions. 

You smirked slightly, "I've got a treat for you today's boys~" You crooned to the cybertronian creatures, "Fresh protoform.~" 

You gave a sharp whistle and they were off with a loud roar. You slipped passed the gore that was insuing and bolted off.

You vented and looked around, it was quiet... too supsiously quiet. It spiked anxiety in your tanks. 

You screamed as you were suddenly tackled to the ground a massive servo over your helm. You stared at the drooling decepticon traitor seeing an animalistic glint in his, He's not really a he anymore he's more of an it, amber optics. 

You screeched in pain then he lifted your helm and smashed the left side into the floor.


And over.

And over. 

You screamed then your facial plating gave in and cracked. Your optic was flooded with energon as tears welled in your other. Rippling pain flooded through your whole helm as you were lifted from your pedes. 

You crashed limply into the wall and crumpled down onto the floor. The former well repescted decepticon slithered his digits around your throat pipes and constricted around with it. You heard the clicking of your vocalizers and the sickening crack of them causing your scream to be cut short. 

There was gunfire and you were dropped. With a struggle to rise to your pedes and staggered down the hall gripping your throatpipes. 

You spotted him. 


You tried to call out but nothing but static followed, it was torture as to limply strained against the net in a limp attempt of the last chance of safety you had.

You lost it.

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